Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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14 items:

Oh, Say, but I'm Glad | Mildred E. Sullivan Oh, Say, but I’m Glad | James P. Sullivan, 1930 Joy
There is a song in my heart today, / Something I never had; …
Jesus Opened Up the Way | Aclen Webb Jesus Opened Up the Way | Eugene M. Bartlett, Sr., 1931 Jesus/Savior
Jesus Christ the Lord opened up the way to glory / When He died to save us from our ruined state, …
Tack, O Gud | Johannes A. Hultman Thanks to God | August L. Storm, 1891 Thanksgiving
Thanks to God for my Redeemer, / Thanks for all Thou dost provide! …
God Is So Good | Velna A. Ledin God Is So Good | Velna A. Ledin, 1933 Praise
God is so good, / God is so good, …
A New Creature | Lloyd O. Sanderson A New Creature | Thomas O. Chisholm, 1935 Salvation
Buried with Christ, my blessed Redeemer, / Dead to the old life of folly and sin; …
Be With Me, Lord | Lloyd O. Sanderson Be With Me, Lord | Thomas O. Chisholm, 1935 Supplication
Be with me, Lord, I cannot live without Thee, / I dare not try to take one step alone; …
Battle Song of the Church | Andrew L. Byers Battle Song of the Church | Mary J. Helphingstine, 1936 Warfare
The gates of hell cannot prevail / Against the church divine; …
I Would Not Have My Way | Andrew L. Byers I Would Not Have My Way | Mrs. W. H. Olinger, 1936 Consecration
I would not have my way, dear Lord, but Thine; / I would not walk alone, for I might fall: …
Let Us Be One | Andrew L. Byers Let Us Be One | Charles W. Naylor, 1936 Unity
Come, all ye ransomed, let us be one, / One as the Father, Spirit, and Son; …
Returning to Zion | Andrew L. Byers Returning to Zion | Maggie W. Stratton, 1907 Restoration
Come, ye holy saints of God, let's sing the joyful theme; / Out of all confusion we are gathered in His name; …
Maori | Clarence Scott Search Me, O God | James E. Orr, 1936 Sanctification
Search me, O God, and know my heart today, / Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray; …
Shine in Me | W. Dale Oldham Shine in Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1936 Aspiration
God of light that illumes all space, / God of glory and boundless grace, …
Since Jesus Is Mine | William J. Henry Since Jesus Is Mine | William J. Henry, 1936 Experience
I'm walking each day by the side of my Lord; / I'm living each hour by faith in His word; …
Pray the Clouds Away | J. E. Marsh Pray the Clouds Away | Herbert Buffum, 1938 Prayer
When you hear the thunder booming, when you see the lightning flash, / When the castles you have builded have all fallen with a crash, …