Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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450 items:

King Jesus Reigns | Daniel O. Teasley King Jesus Reigns | Daniel O. Teasley, 1918 Psalm 2:12
King Jesus reigns from pole to pole, / O'er land and sea in sweet control; …
Unser Herrscher | Joachim Neader Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty | Benjamin Schmolck, 1730 Psalm 3:4
Open now thy gates of beauty, / Zion, let me enter there, …
Waiting for Me | Barney E. Warren Waiting for Me | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 3:8
Sweet love that moved the heart of God, / Waiting for me, waiting for me; …
Sweet Communion | Zella M. Robinson Sweet Communion | Eva M. Wray Psalm 4:1
How sweet to kneel in secret prayer / At Father's feet so dear, …
The Safe Retreat | Barney E. Warren The Safe Retreat | Barney E. Warren, 1926 Psalms 4:8
When the storm clouds rise and the sky is dark, / When oppressed with anxious care; …
A Hymn of Morning Praise | Clarence E. Hunter A Hymn of Morning Praise | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Psalm 5:3
O God, inspire our morning hymn / Of love and gratitude; …
Batchellor | Daniel J. Batchellor Hursley (2) | Anonymous/Unknown Father, We Thank Thee | Rebecca J. Weston, 1885 Psalm 5:3
Father, we thank Thee for the night, / And for the pleasant morning light; …
Morning Worship (Martin) | Silas S. Martin Morning Worship (Martin) | Silas S. Martin, 1982 Psalm 5:3
O Lord, be with me through this day; / Direct my thoughts aright, I pray, …
Lead Me, Savior | Frank M. Davis Lead Me, Savior | Frank M. Davis, 1880 Psalm 5:8
Savior, lead me lest I stray, / Gently lead me all the way; …
Our Motto | Barney E. Warren Our Motto | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Psalm 7:17
Praise the Lord with singing, / Keep the music ringing, …
Sing It Again | Barney E. Warren Sing It Again | Daniel S. Warner, 1889 Psalm 7:17
Let us sing the name of Jesus, oh, that name we love so dear! / Sweetest anthem earth or heaven ever breathed on mortal ear; …
Dix | Conrad Kocher For the Beauty of the Earth | Folliott S. Pierpoint, 1864 Psalm 9:1
For the beauty of the earth, / For the glory of the skies, …
'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful | Lelia N. Morris ’Tis Marvelous and Wonderful | Lelia N. Morris, 1919 Psalm 9:1
The Savior has come in His mighty pow'r, / And spoken peace to my soul; …
Praise the Name of Jesus | Barney E. Warren Praise the Name of Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalms 9:2
Praise the name of Jesus, for His love to me, / Crucified on Calv'ry sinful man to free. …
The Safe Retreat | Barney E. Warren The Safe Retreat | Barney E. Warren, 1926 Psalm 9:9
When the storm clouds rise and the sky is dark, / When oppressed with anxious care; …
He Knows, Yes, He Knows | Uriah E. Hallman He Knows, Yes, He Knows | Edith Chase, 1907 Psalm 9:10
He knows, yes, He knows when we're tempted and tried; / Our prayers He will answer if close by His side. …
He Will Never Fail to Help | Henry C. Clausen He Will Never Fail to Help | Charles W. Naylor, 1918 Psalm 9:10
Brother, on the holy way / Lift your heart to God today, …
Trusting in Jesus, My Savior and Friend | Barney E. Warren Trusting in Jesus, My Savior and Friend | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 9:10
Trusting in Jesus, my Savior and Friend, / Upward to heaven my praises ascend; …
The Lord Is King | Barney E. Warren The Lord Is King | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalm 10:16
The Lord is King, the Lord is King, / The Lord is King forevermore. …
Keep Me | Clarence E. Hunter Keep Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalms 12:7
In this wicked world am I, / Watch Thou o'er me from on high; …
We Come with Happy Hearts | Samuel Black We Come with Happy Hearts | Carrie E. Breck, 1898 Psalm 13:5
We come, we come with happy hearts, / This day to celebrate, …
Who Shall Abide in Thy Tabernacle? | Barney E. Warren Who Shall Abide in Thy Tabernacle? | Scripture, 1900 Psalm 15
Who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? / Who shall dwell in Thy holy hill? …
God Is My Strength | Uriah E. Hallman God Is My Strength | Uriah E. Hallman, 1907 Psalm 16:1
God is my strength, / O'er hilltop and mountain, …
Draw Me Close to Thee | W. H. Oldham Draw Me Close to Thee | Clara M. Brooks, 1911 Psalm 16:8
I would be nearer, my Savior, / Where I can hear Thy voice …
How Sweet Is My Rest | Andrew L. Byers How Sweet Is My Rest | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Psalm 16:8-9
How sweet is the comfort and rest of my soul, / Where peace doth so tranquilly flow; …
Adoration | Daniel O. Teasley Adoration | Clara M. Brooks, 1911 Psalm 16:11
I have found the joy of God, / In His sacred, blest abode, …
I Am Happy in Him | Edwin O. Excell I Am Happy in Him | Edwin O. Excell, 1902 Psalm 16:11
My soul is so happy in Jesus, / For He is so precious to me; …
Only Thy Presence | Arthur W. McKee Only Thy Presence | Frances J. Crosby, 1915 Psalm 16:11
Only Thy presence, O Savior divine, / Only Thy Spirit to witness with mine; …
Davis | Freeman Lewis O Thou in Whose Presence | Joseph Swain, 1791 Psalm 16:11
O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight, / On whom in affliction I call; …
Since Jesus Put the Glory in My Soul | Andrew L. Byers Since Jesus Put the Glory in My Soul | Charles W. Naylor, 1923 Psalms 16:11
All my darkness Christ has scattered, brought a glorious dawn, / There is sunshine on my pathway since my burden's gone; …
You May Have the Joy-Bells | William J. Kirkpatrick You May Have the Joy-Bells | J. Edward Ruark, 1899 Psalm 16:11
You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart, / And a peace that from you never will depart; …
O Give Me Rest | Handley C. G. Moule Oh, Give Me Rest from Self | Eliza H. Hamilton, 1869 Psalm 17
My Savior, Thou hast offered rest: / Oh, give it now to me— …
Dare to Be a Daniel | Philip P. Bliss Dare to Be a Daniel | Philip P. Bliss, 1873 Psalm 17:3
Standing by a purpose true, / Heeding God's command, …
Keep Me | Clarence E. Hunter Keep Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalm 17:5
In this wicked world am I, / Watch Thou o'er me from on high; …
Lead Me Gently Home, Father | Will L. Thompson Lead Me Gently Home, Father | Will L. Thompson, 1879 Psalm 17:5
Lead me gently home, Father, / Lead me gently home; …
He Will Hide Me | James McGranahan He Will Hide Me | Mary E. Servoss, 1878 Psalm 17:8-9
When the storms of life are raging, / Tempests wild on sea and land, …
Hide Me | Barney E. Warren Hide Me | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 17:8-9
Keep me as the apple of Thine eye, / Joyful in the glory pardon brings; …
Jesus, Help Me | Charles H. Gabriel Jesus, Help Me | John O. Foster, 1893 Psalm 17:8
Jesus, keep me every day, / When I work and when I play, …
Keep Me Near Thee | Barney E. Warren Keep Me Near Thee | William J. Henry, 1897 Psalm 17:8
Keep me near Thee, blessed Jesus, / Keep me near Thee lest I stray; …
I Shall Know Him | John R. Sweney My Savior First of All | Frances J. Crosby, 1891 Psalm 17:15
When my lifework is ended, and I cross the swelling tide, / When the bright and glorious morning I shall see; …
I Never Will Cease to Love Him | Charles H. Gabriel I Never Will Cease to Love Him | Charles H. Gabriel, 1890 Psalm 18:1
For all the Lord has done for me, / I never will cease to love Him; …
Trust | Joel A. Erickson Trust | Rebecca N. Taylor, 1883 Psalm 18:2
Though the rain may fall and the wind be blowing, / And cold and chill is the wintry blast; …
Higher Ground | Charles H. Gabriel Higher Ground | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1898 Psalm 18:33
I'm pressing on the upward way, / New heights I'm gaining every day; …
Lead Me Gently by Thy Hand | Barney E. Warren Lead Me Gently by Thy Hand | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Psalm 18:35
Lead me gently by Thy hand, Savior, / Lead me gently by Thy hand; …
I Am Saved and My Heart Is Singing | Harlan D. Sorrell I Am Saved and My Heart Is Singing | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1977 Psalm 21:1
I am saved and my heart is singing, oh, there's music in my soul; / Heaven's glory in my soul doth ever chime. …
My Heart's Desire | Andrew L. Byers My Heart’s Desire | Lucena C. Byrum, 1905 Psalm 21:1-2
Let me walk in the path which my Savior hath trod, / Let me follow so close by His side; …
Love Is Shining | Adam Geibel Love Is Shining | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1917 Psalm 23
All the future years are held within the Father's keeping; / On the pages yet unturned, we cannot read a line; …
My Shepherd | Ernest E. Chute My Shepherd | Carlos A. Plummer, 1907 Psalm 23
Jesus is my Shepherd, nothing shall I need; / In the green, sweet pastures He doth ever lead, …
St. Columba | Irish melody The King of Love My Shepherd Is | Henry W. Baker, 1868 Psalm 23
The King of love my Shepherd is, / Whose goodness faileth never: …
Ballerma | Francois H. Barthelemon The Lord Is My Shepherd | Scripture, 1650 Psalm 23
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want; / He makes me down to lie …
We Will Follow | Uriah E. Hallman We Will Follow | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 23
We'll follow the Lord all the way, / And close to our Shepherd we'll stay; …
Aughton | William B. Bradbury He Leadeth Me | Joseph H. Gilmore, 1862 Psalm 23:1-3
He leadeth me, O blessed thought! / O words with heav'nly comfort fraught! …
All the Way My Savior Leads Me | Robert Lowry All the Way My Savior Leads Me | Frances J. Crosby, 1875 Psalm 23:3
All the way my Savior leads me, / What have I to ask beside? …
God Leads Us Along | George A. Young God Leads Us Along | George A. Young, 1903 Psalm 23:3
In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet, / God leads His dear children along; …
Only Thy Presence | Arthur W. McKee Only Thy Presence | Frances J. Crosby, 1915 Psalms 23:3-4
Only Thy presence, O Savior divine, / Only Thy Spirit to witness with mine; …
Be With Me, Lord | Lloyd O. Sanderson Be With Me, Lord | Thomas O. Chisholm, 1935 Psalm 23:4
Be with me, Lord, I cannot live without Thee, / I dare not try to take one step alone; …
North Park | John C. Bieri The Upper Window | John C. Bieri, 1923 Psalm 23:4
When God spoke unto Noah, and said to build the ark, / The Lord knew well the vessel would cheerless be and dark, …
Terra Beata | English melody This Is My Father’s World | Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901 Psalm 24:1
This is my Father's world, / And to my list'ning ears …
Sursum Corda (Lomas) | George Lomas Christ of the Upward Way | Walter J. Mathams, 1915 Psalm 24:3
Christ of the upward way, my Guide divine, / Where Thou hast set Thy feet, may I place mine; …
Who Shall Dwell with Christ? | Joseph C. Fisher Who Shall Dwell with Christ? | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Psalm 24:3-4
Oh, who can stand the judgment day?— / None but the pure shall dwell with Christ; …
America | Henry Carey Come, O Thou God of Grace | William E. Evans, 1886 Psalm 24:7
Come, O thou God of grace, / Make this a holy place, …
I Walk with the King | Bentley D. Ackley I Walk with the King | James Rowe, 1912 Psalm 24:7
In sorrow I wandered, my spirit oppressed, / But now I am happy—securely I rest; …
Ode to the King | Mike Atnip Ode to the King | Mike Atnip, 2005 Psalm 24:7-10
Jesus, You are my LORD, / King of nature restored, …
I Would Not Have My Way | Andrew L. Byers I Would Not Have My Way | Mrs. W. H. Olinger, 1936 Psalm 25:4-5
I would not have my way, dear Lord, but Thine; / I would not walk alone, for I might fall: …
Tenderly Lead Thou Me On | Norman W. Smith Tenderly Lead Thou Me On | Joseph Smith, 1903 Psalm 25:5-6
Tenderly, tenderly lead Thou me on, / On o'er the way where my Savior hath gone; …
Keep Me, My Lord | Barney E. Warren Keep Me, My Lord | Barney E. Warren, 1905 Psalm 25:20
Keep me in touch with Thee, / My blessed Lord; …
Lord, I Want to Be a Christian | African-American melody Lord, I Want to Be a Christian | Anonymous/Unknown, 1907 Psalm 26:2
Lord, I want to be a Christian / In my heart, in my heart; …
The Voice of Thanksgiving | George W. Stockton The Voice of Thanksgiving | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1898 Psalm 26:6-7
The voice of thanksgiving we cheerfully raise, / On this, our glad festival day; …
St. Thomas (Williams) | Aaron Williams I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord | Timothy Dwight, 1800 Psalm 26:8
I love Thy kingdom, Lord, / The place of Thine abode, …
Hiding in His Mercy | Barney E. Warren Hiding in His Mercy | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 27:1
God is my keeper, whom shall I fear? / Though burdens press me, …
The Beautiful Light | John R. Sweney The Beautiful Light | Russell K. Carter, 1887 Psalm 27:1
Jesus is the light, the way, / We are walking in the light, …
The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation | George F. Root The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation | Scripture, 1860 Psalm 27:1-4
The Lord is my light, is my light and my salvation: / Whom shall I fear? …
I'll Never Go Back | Barney E. Warren I’ll Never Go Back | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalm 27:4
I once was in bondage in Egypt's dark night, / But Jesus has brought me out into the light; …
My Heart Is Fixed on Jesus | William J. Ramsay My Heart Is Fixed on Jesus | Lavinia E. Brauff, 1912 Psalm 27:4
My heart is fixed on Jesus, the sun of all my thought; / What wondrous work of grace His love within my soul hath wrought! …
Unser Herrscher | Joachim Neader Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty | Benjamin Schmolck, 1730 Psalm 27:4
Open now thy gates of beauty, / Zion, let me enter there, …
Salvationist | William S. Hays The Lily of the Valley | Charles W. Fry, 1881 Psalm 27:4
I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me, / He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul; …
Anywhere with Jesus | Daniel B. Towner Anywhere with Jesus | Jessie B. Pounds, 1887 Psalm 27:5
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go, / Anywhere He leads me in this world below; …
In His Pavilion Hiding | William J. Henry In His Pavilion Hiding | William J. Henry, 1900 Psalm 27:5
In His pavilion hiding, / A refuge I have found, …
Like a Rock in the Billows | Barney E. Warren Like a Rock in the Billows | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 27:5
Like a rock in the billows I would stable be, / Till the storm is overpast; …
Under His Wings (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Under His Wings (Warren) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Psalm 27:5
I'm in the Lord's sacred pavilion; / I rest in the holiest place; …
Sing On | John R. Sweney Sing On | Frances J. Crosby, 1885 Psalms 27:6
Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims, / Nor think the moments long; …
You Ought to Sing | Ella V. Phillips You Ought to Sing | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Psalm 27:6
Jesus Christ has come to set the captive free, / He died to take away death's sting; …
Speak to My Soul, Dear Jesus | Anonymous/Unknown Speak to My Soul, Dear Jesus | Leander L. Pickett, 1897 Psalm 27:8
Speak to my soul, dear Jesus, / Speak now in tend'rest tone; …
Camacha | Benjamin M. Ramsey Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord | Benjamin M. Ramsey, 1919 Psalm 27:11
Teach me Thy way, O Lord, teach me Thy way! / Thy guiding grace afford, teach me Thy way! …
Keep the Heart Singing | Charles H. Gabriel Keep the Heart Singing | Charles H. Gabriel, 1902 Psalm 28:7
We may lighten toil and care, / Or a heavy burden share, …
Sing with Tuneful Lay | Frank L. Bristow Sing with Tuneful Lay | Frank L. Bristow, 1889 Psalm 28:7
Sing with tuneful lay, / Jesus is the Way …
Dundee (2) | Anonymous/Unknown Above the Trembling Elements | Anna L. Price, 1890 Psalm 28:9
Above the trembling elements, / Above life's restless sea, …
Gloria Patri | Anonymous/Unknown Gloria Patri | Anonymous/Unknown Psalm 29:2
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, / And to the Holy Ghost; …
Glory to His Name | John H. Stockton Glory to His Name | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1878 Psalm 29:2
Down at the cross where my Savior died, / Down where for cleansing from sin I cried, …
Holiness (Hunter) | Clarence E. Hunter Holiness | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 29:2
Beautiful holiness! theme of the Bible, / Filling my heart with its riches of grace; …
Oh, Worship the Lord | Robert Lowry Oh, Worship the Lord | Robert Lowry, 1870 Psalm 29:2
Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, / In the beauty of holiness, in the beauty of holiness. …
Sicilian Mariners | Sicilian melody Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing | John Fawcett, 1773 Psalm 29:11
Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, / Fill our hearts with joy and peace; …
Wonderful Peace | William G. Cooper Wonderful Peace | Warren D. Cornell, 1889 Psalm 29:11
Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight / Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm; …
Victorious Praise | G. E. Wright Victorious Praise | Charles W. Naylor, 1923 Psalm 30
With a shout of jubilation all my soul doth say, / I am happy and contented on God's holy way; …
Lift Me Up Above the Shadows | Robert E. Winsett Lift Me Up Above the Shadows | Herbert Buffum, 1922 Psalm 30:1
Lift me up above the shadows, / Plant my feet on higher ground, …
We Come with Happy Hearts | Samuel Black We Come with Happy Hearts | Carrie E. Breck, 1898 Psalm 30:4
We come, we come with happy hearts, / This day to celebrate, …
Kremser (2) | Dutch melody We Praise You, O God | Julia B. Cory, 1902 Psalm 30:4
We praise You, O God, our Redeemer, Creator; / In grateful devotion our tribute we bring; …
Crown After Cross | Barney E. Warren Light After Darkness | Ira D. Sankey Crown After Cross | Frances R. Havergal, 1879 Psalm 30:5
Light after darkness, gain after loss, / Strength after weakness, crown after cross; …
If Your Heart Keeps Right | Bentley D. Ackley If Your Heart Keeps Right | Lizzie DeArmond, 1912 Psalms 30:5
If the dark shadows gather as you go along, / Do not grieve for their coming, sing a cheery song! …
Last Night, My Lads | Joel A. Erickson Last Night, My Lads | Anonymous/Unknown, 1877 Psalm 30:5
Last night, my lads, we toiled away, / Oh, so drearily, drearily; …
Glory in My Soul | Charles H. Gabriel Glory in My Soul [TTBB] | Charles H. Gabriel There Is Glory in My Soul | Grace W. Davis, 1894 Psalm 30:11-12
Since I lost my sins and I found my Savior, / There is glory in my soul! …
There's Music in My Soul | Barney E. Warren There’s Music in My Soul | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 30:11-12
Since I have found my Savior, / Bowed to His control; …
Batchellor | Daniel J. Batchellor Hursley (2) | Anonymous/Unknown Father, We Thank Thee | Rebecca J. Weston, 1885 Psalms 30:12
Father, we thank Thee for the night, / And for the pleasant morning light; …
All Along the Way | Edmund S. Lorenz All Along the Way | Jennie B. Wilson, 1895 Psalm 31:3
All along the way to happy lands above, / We may speak for Jesus words of faith and love; …
A Prayer in Song | Mrs. A. J. Shriver A Prayer in Song | W. M. Wolcott, 1897 Psalm 31:3
Savior, Thou art life to me, / Guard me by Thy watchful eye; …
Dare to Stand Like Joshua | Peter P. Bilhorn Dare to Stand Like Joshua | C. M. Robinson, 1898 Psalm 31:3
We are bound for Canaan land, / Tenting by the way; …
Jesus, Help Me | Charles H. Gabriel Jesus, Help Me | John O. Foster, 1893 Psalms 31:3
Jesus, keep me every day, / When I work and when I play, …
Savior, Guide Me | Daniel O. Teasley Savior, Guide Me | Daniel O. Teasley, 1903 Psalm 31:3
Savior, guide my little feet / In the path which Thou has trod; …
Savior, Lead Me | Clarence E. Hunter Savior, Lead Me | Charles E. Orr, 1900 Psalm 31:3
I do not pray that life be spent / On flow'ry beds of ease; …
Morwellham | Charles H. Steggall Contentment | Anna L. Waring, 1850 Psalm 31:15
Father, I know that all my life / Is portioned out for me; …
The Hour of My Departure | John H. Tenney The Hour of My Departure | Anzentia I. P. Chapman, 1889 Psalm 31:15
The hour of my departure / I may not know, …
My Greatest Friend Is Jesus | N. E. Setser My Greatest Friend Is Jesus | N. E. Setser, 1907 Psalm 31:16
My greatest friend is Jesus; / He left the throne of God, …
Ariel | Wolfgang A. Mozart The Riches of God’s Goodness | Scripture, 1912 Psalm 31:19-24
How great the goodness kept in store / For those who fear Thee and adore …
I Am Hiding | Barney E. Warren I Am Hiding | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 31:20
Safely hiding, should I fear, / When the Lord is near? …
In His Pavilion Hiding | William J. Henry In His Pavilion Hiding | William J. Henry, 1900 Psalms 31:20
In His pavilion hiding, / A refuge I have found, …
I Know God's Promise Is True | Lelia N. Morris I Know God’s Promise Is True | Lelia N. Morris, 1899 Psalm 32:5
For God so loved this sinful world, / His Son He freely gave, …
Hid Away with Jesus (Clayton) | G. T. Clayton Hid Away with Jesus (Clayton) | G. T. Clayton, 1893 Psalm 32:7
From all the world I've turned aside, / And found a fold of shelter; …
Guide Me | Claudine Heald Guide Me | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Psalm 32:8
With Thine eye, O Savior, guide me / Through my pilgrimage below; …
Guide Us with Thine Eye | Barney E. Warren Guide Us with Thine Eye | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 32:8
Oh, what deep and pure compassion, / Brought the Savior from on high, …
Precious Promise | Philip P. Bliss Precious Promise | Nathaniel Niles, 1870 Psalm 32:8
Precious promise God has given / To the weary passerby, …
Speak, Savior, Speak | English melody Speak, Savior, Speak | Herbert H. Booth, 1887 Psalm 32:8
Let me hear Thy voice now speaking, / Let me hear and I'll obey; …
The Savior with Me | John R. Sweney The Savior with Me | Frances J. Crosby, 1884 Psalm 32:8
I must have the Savior with me, / For I dare not go alone, …
Launch Out | Russell K. Carter The Mercy of God Is an Ocean Divine | Albert B. Simpson, 1891 Psalm 32:10
The mercy of God is an ocean divine, / A boundless and fathomless flood; …
Be Glad in the Lord | James McGranahan Be Glad in the Lord | Mary E. Servoss, 1906 Psalm 32:11
Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, / All ye that are upright in heart; …
Running Over with Joy | Joel A. Erickson Running Over with Joy | Joel A. Erickson, 2005 Psalm 32:11
I was bound by sin and evil / From which there seemed no retrieval— …
Rays of Hope | Daniel O. Teasley Rays of Hope | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 33:18
There are some rays of hope divine, / To cheer the darkest heart; …
I Trust and Wait | William J. Kirkpatrick I Trust and Wait | Frances J. Crosby, 1889 Psalm 33:20-21
I know not what a day may bring / Of joy or pain to me; …
A Song of Praise | William J. Henry A Song of Praise | Della Fry, 1897 Psalm 34:1
Let the gates of praise be open, / Sounding forth the joy within; …
Let All the People Praise Thee | Lelia N. Morris Let All the People Praise Thee | Lelia N. Morris, 1906 Psalm 34:3
Oh, magnify the Lord with me, / Ye people of His choice, …
God Answered Prayer for Me | Ulysses Phillips God Answered Prayer for Me | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Psalm 34:6
I cried to God for mercy, / When I was lost in sin; …
When Jesus Answers My Prayer | Andrew L. Byers When Jesus Answers My Prayer | Otto F. Linn, 1923 Psalm 34:6
Though the night has been long and my trials severe, / And heavy my burdens of care; …
Stockton | John H. Stockton Only Trust Him | John H. Stockton, 1873 Psalm 34:8
Come, every soul by sin oppressed, / There's mercy with the Lord, …
Hamburg (2) | Lowell Mason O Thou Who Hears When Sinners Cry | Isaac Watts, 1719 Psalms 34:18
O Thou Who hears when sinners cry, / Though all my crimes before Thee lie, …
Waiting at the Cross | Barney E. Warren Waiting at the Cross | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 34:18
Lord, I come to Thee with an aching heart, / I am waiting at the cross; …
Salvation Is Flowing | Barney E. Warren Salvation Is Flowing | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 35:9
Hallelujah to Jesus! salvation is flowing, / Oh, wonderful showers of grace! …
There Is Joy in the Lord | Barney E. Warren There Is Joy in the Lord | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 35:9
I will sing, hallelujah, for there's joy in the Lord, / And He fills my heart with rapture as I rest on His Word; …
Waves of Devotion | Barney E. Warren Waves of Devotion | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Psalm 35:9
A glorious blessing bestowed upon me, / Salvation, the joy of my heart; …
The Old-Time Religion | Margaret J. Harris The Old-Time Religion | Margaret J. Harris, 1908 Psalm 36:7-9
I believe in the old-time religion, / For it saves from all sin here below, …
The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 36:7
In the shadow of His wings / Doth my heart rejoice, …
Under His Wings (Cushing) | Ira D. Sankey Under His Wings (Cushing) | William Cushing, 1896 Psalm 36:7
Under His wings I am safely abiding; / Though the night deepens and tempests are wild, …
The River of Pleasure | Andrew L. Byers The River of Pleasure | Barney E. Warren, 1891 Psalm 36:8
Oh, drink of the river of pleasure, / A deep, living stream of delight; …
Come to the Fountain | George C. Stebbins Come to the Fountain | Frances J. Crosby, 1883 Psalm 36:9
Come with thy sins to the fountain, / Come with thy burden of grief; …
Plunge into the Fountain | H. R. Jeffrey Plunge into the Fountain | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Psalm 36:9
Wash me in Thy blood divine, / Wash me, then I shall be Thine; …
Dwelling in the Land | Joel A. Erickson Dwelling in the Land | Joel A. Erickson, 2005 Psalm 37:3
Long lone years I lived in sin, / Wretched slave I was within; …
Rest (Maker) | Frederick C. Maker Dear Lord and Father of Mankind | John G. Whittier, 1872 Psalms 37:5
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, / Forgive our foolish ways; …
Patiently Trust in God | William J. Henry Patiently Trust in God | William J. Henry, 1900 Psalm 37:5,7
When I've preached God's word with the Spirit's pow'r, / And prayed that it reach some heart, …
The Lord Will Provide [TTBB] | Edmund S. Lorenz The Lord Will Provide | Martha A. Cook, 1870 Psalm 37:5
In some way or other / The Lord will provide; …
Trusting Jesus | Ira D. Sankey Trusting Jesus | Edgar P. Stites, 1876 Psalm 37:5
Simply trusting every day, / Trusting through a stormy way; …
He Brought Me Out | Henry L. Gilmour He Brought Me Out | Henry J. Zelley, 1898 Psalm 40:2-3
My heart was distressed 'neath Jehovah's dread frown, / And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down; …
He Ransomed Me | J. W. Henderson He Ransomed Me | Julia H. Johnston, 1916 Psalm 40:2
There's a sweet and blessed story / Of the Christ who came from glory, …
When My Savior Reached Down for Me | G. E. Wright When My Savior Reached Down for Me | G. E. Wright, 1920 Psalm 40:2
Once my soul was astray from the heavenly way, / And was wretched and vile as could be; …
Sweetest Name | Luther B. Bridgers He Keeps Me Singing | Luther B. Bridgers, 1910 Psalm 40:3
There's within my heart a melody / Jesus whispers sweet and low, …
Phuket | George C. Stebbins His Praises I Will Sing | Jonathan B. Atchinson, 1891 Psalm 40:3
I've learned to sing a glad new song / Of praise unto our King! …
Blessings | Edwin O. Excell Count Your Blessings | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1897 Psalm 40:5
When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed, / When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, …
It Is Truly Wonderful | Barney E. Warren It Is Truly Wonderful | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Psalm 40:5
He pardoned my transgressions, / He sanctified my soul; …
It Is True Within My Heart | Barney E. Warren It Is True Within My Heart | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalm 40:8
I have read within the Bible / How a sinner vile and low, …
Oh, Write Thy Law | Andrew L. Byers Oh, Write Thy Law | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalm 40:8
Oh, write Thy wondrous law divine / Upon the tables of my heart, …
Willamette | Joel A. Erickson As Men Seek for Hidden Treasure | Charles E. Orr, 1904 Psalm 42:1
As men seek for hidden treasure, / As for rain thirsts the drying sod, …
At Thy Feet I Fall | Anonymous/Unknown At Thy Feet I Fall | Catherine Booth-Clibborn, 1888 Psalm 42:1
O Lamb of God! Thou wonderful sin-bearer, / Hard after Thee my soul doth follow on; …
Bethany | Lowell Mason Nearer, My God, to Thee | Sarah F. Adams, 1841 Psalm 42:2
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee! / E'en though it be a cross that raiseth me, …
Opening Song | Charles W. Naylor Opening Song | Charles W. Naylor, 1904 Psalm 42:4
Once again we come to the house of God, / To unite in songs of praise; …
St. Clement | Clement C. Scholefield The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended | John Ellerton, 1870 Psalm 42:8
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended, / The darkness falls at Thy behest; …
Lux Benigna | John B. Dykes Lead, Kindly Light | John H. Newman, 1833 Psalm 43:3
Lead, kindly Light, amid th' encircling gloom, / Lead Thou me on; …
Lead Me Higher | Charles F. Weigle Lead Me Higher | William J. Pearson, 1884 Psalm 43:3
Jesus, lead me up the mountain, / Where the whitest robes are seen, …
The Light of Truth | Andrew L. Byers The Light of Truth | Charles W. Naylor, 1925 Psalm 43:3
Over the age-old path the centuries have trod, / Shone with its lustrous beams the golden light of God; …
Harre, meine Seele, harre des Herrn | Henri A. C. Malan Tarry, O My Spirit | J. F. Raeder Psalm 43:5
Tarry, O my spirit, / Tarry with God! …
Crusader's Hymn | Silesian melody Fairest Lord Jesus | Anonymous/Unknown, 1677 Psalm 45:2
Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature, / O Thou of God and man the Son, …
Salvationist | William S. Hays The Lily of the Valley | Charles W. Fry, 1881 Psalms 45:2
I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me, / He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul; …
God Is Still on the Throne | Kittie L. Suffield God Is Still on the Throne | Kittie L. Suffield, 1929 Psalm 45:6
Have you started for glory and Heaven? / Have you left this old world far behind? …
Ivory Palaces | Henry Barraclough Ivory Palaces | Henry Barraclough, 1915 Psalm 45:8
My Lord has garments so wondrous fine, / And myrrh their texture fills; …
Ein' Feste Burg | Martin Luther A Mighty Fortress Is Our God | Martin Luther, 1529 Psalm 46:1
A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; / Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing: …
Be Still and Know | Anonymous/Unknown Be Still and Know | Scripture Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God, / Be still and know that I am God, …
Finlandia (2) | Jean Sibelius Be Still, My Soul | Katharina A. von Schlegel, 1752 Psalm 46:10
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side. / Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. …
Rest (Maker) | Frederick C. Maker Dear Lord and Father of Mankind | John G. Whittier, 1872 Psalm 46:10
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, / Forgive our foolish ways; …
Old Hundredth | Louis Bourgeois Sessions | Luther O. Emerson Doxology | Thomas Ken, 1674 Psalm 47:6
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; / Praise Him, all creatures here below; …
Triumph | Henry J. Gauntlett Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven | Henry F. Lyte, 1834 Psalm 47:6
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven; / To His feet thy tribute bring. …
Lasst Uns Erfreuen | Anonymous/Unknown All Creatures of Our God and King | Francis of Assisi, 1225 Psalms 47:7
All creatures of our God and King, / Lift up your voice and with us sing, …
God Is Still on the Throne | Kittie L. Suffield God Is Still on the Throne | Kittie L. Suffield, 1929 Psalms 47:8
Have you started for glory and Heaven? / Have you left this old world far behind? …
Austrian Hymn | Croatian melody Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken | John Newton, 1779 Psalms 48
Glorious things of thee are spoken, / Zion, city of our God! …
Beautiful for Situation Is Mount Zion | Harlan D. Sorrell Beautiful for Situation Is Mount Zion | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1980 Psalm 48:1-3
O church of God, in Christ a new creation / Wrought by His great salvation, …
Battle Song of the Church | Andrew L. Byers Battle Song of the Church | Mary J. Helphingstine, 1936 Psalm 48:12-14
The gates of hell cannot prevail / Against the church divine; …
Mount Zion | Ella V. Phillips Mount Zion | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Psalm 48:12-14
Have you walked about Mount Zion? / 'Round her towers great and tall? …
Neumark | Georg Neumark If You but Trust in God to Guide You | Georg Neumark, 1641 Psalm 48:14
If you but trust in God to guide you, / And place your confidence in Him, …
El Paso | Charles D. Tillman Life’s Railway to Heaven | M. E. Abbey, 1890 Psalm 48:14
Life is like a mountain railway, / With an engineer that's brave; …
Beautiful for Situation Is Mount Zion | Harlan D. Sorrell Beautiful for Situation Is Mount Zion | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1980 Psalms 50:2
O church of God, in Christ a new creation / Wrought by His great salvation, …
Terra Beata | English melody This Is My Father’s World | Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901 Psalms 50:12
This is my Father's world, / And to my list'ning ears …
Praise the Name of Jesus | Barney E. Warren Praise the Name of Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 50:23
Praise the name of Jesus, for His love to me, / Crucified on Calv'ry sinful man to free. …
My Heart Is Longing | Charles W. Naylor My Heart Is Longing | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalm 51:1
Savior, now my heart is longing / For Thy wondrous saving grace; …
Savior, I'm Coming | Barney E. Warren Savior, I’m Coming | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 51:2
Savior, coming to Thee, / I would be Thine own; …
Christ, the Fountain | Charles C. Case Christ, the Fountain | Christopher N. Hall, 1891 Psalm 51:7
Fountain of purity opened for sin, / Here may the penitent wash and be clean; …
I Shall Be Whiter than Snow | William G. Fischer I Shall Be Whiter than Snow | James L. Nicholson, 1872 Psalm 51:7
Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; / I want Thee forever to live in my soul; …
Oh, for a Heart Whiter than Snow | William J. Kirkpatrick Oh, for a Heart Whiter than Snow | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1892 Psalm 51:7
Oh, for a heart that is whiter than snow, / Kept, ever kept 'neath the life-giving flow, …
Washed Whiter than the Snow | William J. Henry Washed Whiter than the Snow | William J. Henry, 1907 Psalm 51:7
Out on sin's dark mountain, / Lost in bitter woe, …
Whiter than Snow | Barney E. Warren Whiter than Snow | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Psalm 51:7
Rejoice, little ones, in the promise divine, / The Savior has willed that His glory be thine; …
Whiter than the Snow | Barney E. Warren Whiter than the Snow | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 51:7
A fount of cleansing flows so free / From that blest mount of Calvary; …
More Like the Master | Charles H. Gabriel More Like the Master | Charles H. Gabriel, 1906 Psalm 51:10
More like the Master I would ever be, / More of His meekness, more humility; …
Hamburg (2) | Lowell Mason O Thou Who Hears When Sinners Cry | Isaac Watts, 1719 Psalm 51:10,17
O Thou Who hears when sinners cry, / Though all my crimes before Thee lie, …
Ariel (2) | Wolfgang A. Mozart Oh, Could I Speak the Matchless Worth | Samuel Medley, 1789 Psalm 51:15
Oh, could I speak the matchless worth, / Oh, could I sound the glories forth …
We'll Praise the Lord | Daniel O. Teasley We’ll Praise the Lord | Daniel O. Teasley, 1906 Psalm 52:9
We'll praise the Lord for sins forgiven, / Praise Him evermore; …
Evening Prayer | Lucas Stoll An Evening Prayer | Lucas Stoll, 2015 Psalm 55:17
Great Eternal God, Almighty, / Hear our cry, dear Lord, we pray, …
Did You Think to Pray? | William O. Perkins Did You Think to Pray? | Mary A. Kidder, 1876 Psalm 55:17
Ere you left your room this morning, / Did you think to pray? …
Ever Will I Pray | John H. Tenney Ever Will I Pray | Annie Cummings, 1875 Psalm 55:17
Father, in the morning / Unto Thee I pray; …
I'll Not Forget to Pray | Andrew L. Byers I’ll Not Forget to Pray | Mary J. Helphingstine, 1914 Psalm 55:17
I'm Jesus' little trusting child, / I need Him every day …
Golden Key (2) | John R. Sweney The Child’s Golden Key | John Parker, 1875 Psalm 55:17
Prayer is the key on a bending knee / To begin our morning hours; …
Golden Key | John R. Sweney The Golden Key | John Parker, 1875 Psalm 55:17
Prayer is the key on the bending knee / To open the morn's first hours; …
Cast Thy Burden on the Lord | Barney E. Warren Cast Thy Burden on the Lord | Anonymous/Unknown, 1890 Psalm 55:22
Christian, when thy way seems darkest, / And thine eyes with tears are dim, …
Leave It There | Charles A. Tindley Leave It There | Charles A. Tindley, 1916 Psalm 55:22
If the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold, / And you have to get along with meager fare, …
Festal Song (2) | William H. Walter Give to the Winds Your Fears | Paul Gerhardt, 1656 Psalm 56:3
Give to the winds your fears, / Hope, and be undismayed; …
I Need Thee, Lord | Uriah E. Hallman I Need Thee, Lord | Isabel C. Byrum, 1907 Psalm 56:9
In all the way through earth I take, / I need Thee, Lord, I need Thee, …
Awakening Chorus | Charles H. Gabriel Awakening Chorus | Charles H. Gabriel, 1905 Psalm 57:7-11
Awake! awake! and sing the blessed story; / Awake! awake! and let your song of praise arise; …
If Your Heart Keeps Right | Bentley D. Ackley If Your Heart Keeps Right | Lizzie DeArmond, 1912 Psalm 57:7
If the dark shadows gather as you go along, / Do not grieve for their coming, sing a cheery song! …
Gratitude | Amos F. Herr I Owe the Lord a Morning Song | Amos F. Herr, 1890 Psalm 59:16
I owe the Lord a morning song / Of gratitude and praise, …
Royal Banner | James McGranahan The Banner of the Cross | Daniel W. Whittle, 1884 Psalm 60:4
There's a royal banner given for display / To the soldiers of the King; …
Assurance in Christ | Daniel O. Teasley Assurance in Christ | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Psalm 61:2-3
Tell me not of the pleasures of sin, / For I now from its bondage am free, …
In the Hollow of His Hand | Barney E. Warren In the Hollow of His Hand | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Psalm 62:1-2
I have left all sin's dominion, / I'll obey Thy sweet command; …
I've Found a Refuge | Daniel O. Teasley I’ve Found a Refuge | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Psalm 62:7
I've found a refuge now from every sorrow, / Joy everlasting and sweet; …
The Tested Rock | Barney E. Warren The Tested Rock | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 62:7
Rock of ages, hide my soul, / Keep me while the billows roll; …
Within the Rock | Barney E. Warren Within the Rock | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 62:7
I have a sure and safe retreat / To which I always flee, …
Abiqua | Joel A. Erickson Lean Upon the Breast of Jesus | Audrey Wilcox Lean Upon the Breast of Jesus | Audrey Wilcox, 2021 Psalm 62:8
Lean upon the breast of Jesus, / Resting through a stormy night; …
Give Me Jesus (Anonymous) | African-American melody Give Me Jesus (Anonymous) | Anonymous/Unknown Psalm 63:1
In the morning, when I rise, / In the morning, when I rise, …
Every Day and Hour | William H. Doane Savior, More than Life to Me | Frances J. Crosby, 1875 Psalm 63:3
Savior, more than life to me, / I am clinging, clinging, close to Thee; …
My Soul Is Satisfied | Barney E. Warren My Soul Is Satisfied | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 63:5
All this world, its wealth and honor, / Cannot sate the human breast; …
Singing Joyful Praise | Barney E. Warren Singing Joyful Praise | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Psalm 63:5
O precious Savior, how we do love Thee, / Thou hast washed away our load of guilt and sin; …
The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren The Shadow of His Wings | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalms 63:7
In the shadow of His wings / Doth my heart rejoice, …
Under His Wings (Cushing) | Ira D. Sankey Under His Wings (Cushing) | William Cushing, 1896 Psalms 63:7
Under His wings I am safely abiding; / Though the night deepens and tempests are wild, …
Wie Lieblich Ist Der Maien | Johann Steuerlein Sing to the Lord of Harvest | John S. B. Monsell, 1866 Psalm 65
Sing to the Lord of harvest, / Sing songs of love and praise; …
Pilgrims | Henry T. Smart My Home Is God Himself | Frances Brook, 1899 Psalm 65:4
My home is God Himself; Christ brought me there, / And bade me dwell in Him, rejoicing there; …
Satisfied in Jesus | Clarence E. Hunter Satisfied in Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 65:4
I am satisfied in Jesus, / What a sweet soul rest I feel; …
The Music of His Name | Barney E. Warren The Music of His Name | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 66:2
Who can sing the wondrous love of the Son divine? / O my Lord, there's none so dear to me …
He'll Take You Through | James V. Reid He’ll Take You Through | James V. Reid, 1911 Psalm 66:12
In the midst of joy and blessing, / And when all the way seems bright, …
New Britain | Anonymous/Unknown Amazing Grace | John Newton, 1779 Psalm 66:16
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound / That saved a wretch like me! …
Hankey | William G. Fischer I Love to Tell the Story | Arabella K. Hankey, 1866 Psalm 66:16
I love to tell the story of unseen things above, / Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love; …
I Never Will Cease to Love Him | Charles H. Gabriel I Never Will Cease to Love Him | Charles H. Gabriel, 1890 Psalms 66:16
For all the Lord has done for me, / I never will cease to love Him; …
Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley, 1918 Psalm 66:16
I'm happy in Jesus and tell it I must, / For He has redeemed me, I know; …
What Jesus Is to Me | Barney E. Warren What Jesus Is to Me | Charles E. Orr, 1907 Psalm 66:16
I love to tell the story, / What Jesus is to me; …
Let All the People Praise Thee | Lelia N. Morris Let All the People Praise Thee | Lelia N. Morris, 1906 Psalms 67:3
Oh, magnify the Lord with me, / Ye people of His choice, …
Triumph | Henry J. Gauntlett Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven | Henry F. Lyte, 1834 Psalms 67:3
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven; / To His feet thy tribute bring. …
Sabaoth | William B. Bradbury Holy Is the Lord (Crosby) | Frances J. Crosby, 1869 Psalm 67:5
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord! / Sing, O ye people, gladly adore Him; …
Diademata (4) | George J. Elvey Make Me a Captive, Lord | George Matheson, 1890 Psalm 68:18
Make me a captive, Lord, / And then I shall be free; …
I Will Praise Him, Hallelujah! | Daniel O. Teasley I Will Praise Him, Hallelujah! | Daniel O. Teasley, 1906 Psalm 69:30
Oh, I praise the Lord who bought me, hallelujah! / I'm a happy pilgrim bound for glory land; …
Lasst Uns Erfreuen | Anonymous/Unknown All Creatures of Our God and King | Francis of Assisi, 1225 Psalm 69:34
All creatures of our God and King, / Lift up your voice and with us sing, …
Nettleton (2) | Asahel Nettleton I’m a Soldier Bound for Glory | William R. Phillips, 1922 Psalm 71:7-8
I'm a soldier bound for glory, / I'm a soldier going home; …
O Day So Wondrous | Harold Marlow O Day So Wondrous | Harold Marlow, 1899 Psalms 71:8
O day so wondrous, / We take thee to us, …
Just Where I Am | Robert Harkness Just Where I Am | Fred P. Morris, 1908 Psalm 71:16
Just where I am, oh, let me be / A faithful witness, Lord, for Thee; …
Hymn to Joy | Ludwig van Beethoven Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee | Henry J. van Dyke, 1907 Psalm 71:23
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, / God of glory, Lord of love; …
Ode to the King | Mike Atnip Ode to the King | Mike Atnip, 2005 Psalms 71:23
Jesus, You are my LORD, / King of nature restored, …
Saved Tonight | S. S. Plank Saved Tonight | C. H. Dewey, 1907 Psalm 71:23
"Saved tonight, O blessed Jesus!" / Thus my soul in rapture sings; …
Othello | Edwin O. Excell Since I Have Been Redeemed | Edwin O. Excell, 1884 Psalm 71:23
I have a song I love to sing, / Since I have been redeemed, …
Duke Street | John W. Hatton Jesus Shall Reign | Isaac Watts, 1719 Psalm 72:8, Ephesians 1:20-21
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun / Does its successive journeys run; …
Blessed Name | William H. Havergal Blessed Be the Name | William H. Clark, 1888 Psalm 72:17-19
All praise to Him who reigns above / In majesty supreme, …
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord | Ralph E. Hudson Blessed Be the Name of the Lord | Charles Wesley, 1739 Psalm 72:19
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, / Blessed be the Name of the Lord! …
The Lord Is King | Barney E. Warren The Lord Is King | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalms 72:19
The Lord is King, the Lord is King, / The Lord is King forevermore. …
Thine Is the Kingdom | Isaac H. Meredith Thine Is the Kingdom | Edith S. Tillotson, 1916 Psalm 72:19
We bless Thy Name, O Lord, / Thy goodness we record, …
Hold Thou My Hand | Hubert P. Main Hold Thou My Hand | Frances J. Crosby, 1874 Psalm 73:23-24
Hold Thou my hand; so weak I am, and helpless, / I dare not take one step without Thy aid; …
So Nimm Denn Meine Hände | Friedrich Silcher Oh, Take My Hand, Dear Father | Julie K. von Hausmann, 1862 Psalm 73:23-24
Oh, take my hand, dear Father, and lead Thou me, / Till at my journey's ending I dwell with Thee; …
His Hand Is Guiding Me | Ella V. Phillips His Hand Is Guiding Me | Ulysses Phillips, 1949 Psalm 73:24
As I travel on my way, / To that land more fair than day, …
Savior, Guide Me | Daniel O. Teasley Savior, Guide Me | Daniel O. Teasley, 1903 Psalms 73:24
Savior, guide my little feet / In the path which Thou has trod; …
Confidence (Rodeheaver) | Homer A. Rodeheaver Walk Thou with Me | E. B. Barnes, 1911 Psalm 73:24
Walk Thou with me, nor let my footsteps stray / Apart from Thee, throughout life's threat'ning way; …
Only in Thee | Charles H. Gabriel Only in Thee | Thomas O. Chisholm, 1905 Psalm 73:25
Only in Thee, O Savior mine, / Dwelleth my soul in peace divine, …
Only Thee | William H. Doane Only Thee | Frances J. Crosby, 1872 Psalm 73:25
Only Thee, my soul's Redeemer! / Whom have I in Heav'n beside? …
How Sweet Is My Rest | Andrew L. Byers How Sweet Is My Rest | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Psalms 73:26
How sweet is the comfort and rest of my soul, / Where peace doth so tranquilly flow; …
McAfee | Cleland B. McAfee Near to the Heart of God | Cleland B. McAfee, 1903 Psalm 73:26
There is a place of quiet rest, / Near to the heart of God; …
St. Edmund | Arthur S. Sullivan Draw Thou My Soul, O Christ | Lucy Larcom, 1892 Psalm 73:28
Draw Thou my soul, O Christ, closer to Thine; / Breathe into every wish Thy will divine; …
Nearer, Still Nearer | Lelia N. Morris Nearer, Still Nearer | Lelia N. Morris, 1898 Psalm 73:28
Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart, / Draw me, my Savior—so precious Thou art! …
Nearer the Lord | Clarence E. Hunter Nearer the Lord | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Psalm 73:28
The Lord is my light, and the strength of my life, / Then of whom shall I be afraid? …
Tread Softly | William H. Doane Tread Softly | Frances J. Crosby, 1902 Psalm 73:28
Be silent, be silent, / A whisper is heard, …
Who Will Our Pilot Be? | Ira B. Wilson Who Will Our Pilot Be? | Lizzie DeArmond, 1907 Psalm 77:19
We sail along toward the harbor light, / Over the great life sea; …
It Is Truly Wonderful | Barney E. Warren It Is Truly Wonderful | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Psalms 78:2-4
He pardoned my transgressions, / He sanctified my soul; …
Oh, 'Tis Wonderful! | Francis A. Blackmer Oh, ’Tis Wonderful! | I. I. Leslie, 1884 Psalm 78:2-4
When I was far away and lost, / Oh, 'tis wonderful! …
Dare to Stand Like Joshua | Peter P. Bilhorn Dare to Stand Like Joshua | C. M. Robinson, 1898 Psalms 78:53
We are bound for Canaan land, / Tenting by the way; …
I'll Follow with Rejoicing | Andrew L. Byers I’ll Follow with Rejoicing | Charles W. Naylor Psalm 78:53
The future lies unseen ahead, / It holds I know not what; …
Guide Us with Thine Eye | Barney E. Warren Guide Us with Thine Eye | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalms 78:72
Oh, what deep and pure compassion, / Brought the Savior from on high, …
His Hand Is Guiding Me | Ella V. Phillips His Hand Is Guiding Me | Ulysses Phillips, 1949 Psalms 78:72
As I travel on my way, / To that land more fair than day, …
Honey in the Rock | Frederick A. Graves Honey in the Rock | Frederick A. Graves, 1895 Psalm 81:16
O my brother, do you know the Savior, / Who is wondrous, kind, and true? …
Awakening Chorus | Charles H. Gabriel Awakening Chorus | Charles H. Gabriel, 1905 Psalms 83:18
Awake! awake! and sing the blessed story; / Awake! awake! and let your song of praise arise; …
St. Petersburg | Dmitri S. Bortnianski Thou Hidden Love of God | Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729 Psalm 84:2
Thou hidden Love of God, whose height, / Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows, …
Hursley | Anonymous/Unknown Sun of My Soul | John Keble, 1820 Psalm 84:11
Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear, / It is not night if Thou be near; …
Trust and Obey | Daniel B. Towner Trust and Obey | John H. Sammis, 1887 Psalm 84:11-12
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, / What a glory He sheds on our way! …
What I've Found in Jesus | Barney E. Warren What I’ve Found in Jesus | Otto Bolds, 1904 Psalm 84:11
In the arms of my dear Savior I am resting every day, / And His smiles like sunbeams fall upon my face; …
For a Worldwide Revival | Lelia N. Morris For a Worldwide Revival | Lelia N. Morris, 1910 Psalm 85:6
For a worldwide revival, blessed Master, we pray; / Let the pow'r of the Highest be upon us today; …
Revive Us Again | John J. Husband Revive Us Again | William P. Mackay, 1863 Psalm 85:6
We praise Thee, O God! / For the Son of Thy love, …
Bow Down Thine Ear | Norman E. Martin Bow Down Thine Ear | Scripture, 2007 Psalm 86
Bow down Thine ear, O Lord, please hear me. / I am poor; Thy care I crave. …
Camacha | Benjamin M. Ramsey Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord | Benjamin M. Ramsey, 1919 Psalms 86:11
Teach me Thy way, O Lord, teach me Thy way! / Thy guiding grace afford, teach me Thy way! …
Old Hundredth | Louis Bourgeois Sessions | Luther O. Emerson Doxology | Thomas Ken, 1674 Psalms 86:12
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; / Praise Him, all creatures here below; …
Doane | William H. Doane Jesus, Thou Mighty Lord | Frances J. Crosby, 1883 Psalm 86:12
Jesus, Thou mighty Lord, / Great is Thy Name; …
Praise the Lord! | Joseph C. Fisher Praise the Lord! | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Psalm 86:12
Oh, worship God the Father, just and true, / And praise Him for the wonders of His grace; …
Austrian Hymn | Croatian melody Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken | John Newton, 1779 Psalm 87:3
Glorious things of thee are spoken, / Zion, city of our God! …
Glorious Zion | Barney E. Warren Glorious Zion | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 87:3
Glorious things are spoken of thee, / Thou city of God, thou home of the free; …
The City of God | Barney E. Warren The City of God | Horatius Bonar, 1861 Psalm 87:3
Bathed in unfallen sunlight, / Itself a sunborn gem, …
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story | Peter P. Bilhorn I Will Sing the Wondrous Story | Francis H. Rowley, 1886 Psalm 89:1
I will sing the wondrous story / Of the Christ Who died for me; …
Reverena | Daniel O. Teasley In Holy Reverence, Lord | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Psalm 89:7
In holy rev'rence, Lord, we come / Before Thy throne this hour, …
Hold to God's Unchanging Hand | Franklin L. Eiland Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand | Jennie B. Wilson, 1906 Psalm 89:13
Time is filled with swift transition, / Naught of earth unmoved can stand, …
In the Sunlight of His Love | Edmund S. Lorenz In the Sunlight of His Love | Frances J. Crosby, 1895 Psalm 89:15
Oh, my heart is full of gladness, and I cannot help but sing, / I am trusting all to Jesus, to His cross alone I cling; …
Jesus Is My Sunlight | G. E. Wright Jesus Is My Sunlight | G. E. Wright, 1920 Psalm 89:15
My path is bright, my burden light, / Since Jesus came to stay; …
Marching on in the Light of God | Robert Johnson Marching on in the Light of God | Robert Johnson, 1883 Psalm 89:15
Marching on in the light of God, / Marching on, I am marching on; …
Easter Chimes | Eleanor Smith Ring, Happy Bells of Easter Time | Lucy Larcom, 1882 Psalm 89:15
Ring, happy bells of Easter time, / The world is glad to hear your chime; …
The Touch of His Hand on Mine | Henry P. Morton The Touch of His Hand on Mine | Jessie B. Pounds, 1913 Psalm 89:21
There are days so dark that I seek in vain / For the face of my Friend divine; …
St. Anne | William Croft O God, Our Help in Ages Past | Isaac Watts, 1719 Psalm 90:1
O God, our help in ages past, / Our hope for years to come, …
The Home of the Soul | Andrew L. Byers The Home of the Soul | Daniel S. Warner Psalm 90:1
Let us sing a sweet song of the home of the soul, / The glorious place of our rest; …
Have You Any Time for Jesus? | Daniel O. Teasley Inquiry | Joel A. Erickson Have You Any Time for Jesus? | Daniel O. Teasley, 1903 Psalm 90:12
Have you any time for Jesus, / While the fleeting moments roll? …
Time Enough | Barney E. Warren Time Enough | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 90:12
Time enough, the sluggard cries, / He thinks the season's slow; …
Satisfied | Ralph E. Hudson Satisfied | Clara T. Williams, 1875 Psalm 90:14
All my life I had a longing / For a drink from some clear spring, …
Pilgrims | Henry T. Smart My Home Is God Himself | Frances Brook, 1899 Psalms 91:1
My home is God Himself; Christ brought me there, / And bade me dwell in Him, rejoicing there; …
The Pilgrim's Confidence | Barney E. Warren The Pilgrim’s Confidence | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Psalm 91:1-2
Walking through life's dark, shady valley, / Walking with Jesus day by day; …
Abiqua | Joel A. Erickson Lean Upon the Breast of Jesus | Audrey Wilcox Lean Upon the Breast of Jesus | Audrey Wilcox, 2021 Psalms 91:2-3
Lean upon the breast of Jesus, / Resting through a stormy night; …
Merrial | Joseph Barnby Now the Day Is Over | Sabine Baring-Gould, 1865 Psalm 91:4-5
Now the day is over, / Night is drawing nigh, …
Under His Wings (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Under His Wings (Warren) | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Psalms 91:4
I'm in the Lord's sacred pavilion; / I rest in the holiest place; …
I'll Not Be Afraid | William J. Henry I’ll Not Be Afraid | William J. Henry, 1907 Psalm 91:5
I'll not be afraid for the terror by night, / Nor the arrow that flieth by day; …
In His Keeping | Lelia N. Morris In His Keeping | Lelia N. Morris, 1898 Psalm 91:9-11
When the early morning breaking, / Slumber from my eyelids shaking, …
Morning Praise | Daniel O. Teasley Morning Praise | Nora B. Dodge, 1903 Psalm 92:1-2
'Tis morning sweet, and we repeat / Our hymns of love and praise …
Morning Worship (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Morning Worship (Warren) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 92:1-2
In the dawning of the morning, / How our hearts with praises swell, …
Sweeter as the Years Go By | Lelia N. Morris Sweeter as the Years Go By | Lelia N. Morris, 1912 Psalm 92:12-14
Of Jesus' love that sought me, when I was lost in sin; / Of wondrous grace that brought me back to His fold again; …
Pilot | John E. Gould Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me | Edward Hopper, 1871 Psalm 93:4
Jesus, Savior, pilot me, / Over life's tempestuous sea; …
A Shelter in the Time of Storm | Ira D. Sankey A Shelter in the Time of Storm | Vernon J. Charlesworth, 1880 Psalm 94:22
The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide, / A Shelter in the time of storm; …
Sweetly Resting | William W. Bentley Sweetly Resting | Mary D. James, 1878 Psalm 94:22
In the rifted rock I'm resting, / Safely sheltered I abide; …
The Tested Rock | Barney E. Warren The Tested Rock | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalms 94:22
Rock of ages, hide my soul, / Keep me while the billows roll; …
Madrid | Spanish melody Come, Christians, Join to Sing | Christian H. Bateman, 1843 Psalm 95:1
Come, Christians, join to sing / Alleluia! Amen! …
Sing of Salvation | Andrew L. Byers Sing of Salvation | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Psalm 95:1
Sing of salvation, oh, it was love / Brought the dear Savior down from above; …
St. George's Windsor | George J. Elvey Come, Ye Thankful People, Come | Henry Alford, 1844 Psalm 95:2
Come, ye thankful people, come, / Raise the song of harvest home; …
Victorious Praise | G. E. Wright Victorious Praise | Charles W. Naylor, 1923 Psalms 95:2
With a shout of jubilation all my soul doth say, / I am happy and contented on God's holy way; …
Holy Manna | William Moore Brethren, We Have Met to Worship | George Atkins, 1819 Psalm 95:6
Brethren, we have met to worship and adore the Lord our God; / Will you pray with all your power, while we try to preach the Word? …
Hold Fast to the Right | James D. Vaughan You Are Who You Are for a Reason | Russell Kelfer Psalm 95:6
You are who you are for a reason; / You're part of an intricate plan; …
Blessed Name | William H. Havergal Blessed Be the Name | William H. Clark, 1888 Psalms 96
All praise to Him who reigns above / In majesty supreme, …
Fully Saved Today | Clarence E. Hunter Fully Saved Today | William J. Henry, 1900 Psalm 96:2
I am fully saved today, / All my guilt is washed away, …
I Am Saved Today | George W. McMillan I Am Saved Today | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Psalm 96:2
I am free from condemnation since the Lord has made me whole, / I have ceased from my repining since He filled with joy my soul; …
Salvation Echoes | Daniel O. Teasley Salvation Echoes | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 96:2
Salvation echoes gladden, / We hear them on this shore; …
The Silver Star | Horatio R. Palmer The Silver Star | D. K. En, 1895 Psalm 96:8
On the brow of night there shines a silver star, / On the brow of night there shines a silver star, …
Oh, Worship the Lord | Robert Lowry Oh, Worship the Lord | Robert Lowry, 1870 Psalms 96:9
Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, / In the beauty of holiness, in the beauty of holiness. …
In the Sunlight of His Love | Edmund S. Lorenz In the Sunlight of His Love | Frances J. Crosby, 1895 Psalms 97:11
Oh, my heart is full of gladness, and I cannot help but sing, / I am trusting all to Jesus, to His cross alone I cling; …
On the Sunny Side of Life | J. Wesley Watts On the Sunny Side of Life | Tillit S. Teddlie, 1918 Psalm 97:11
There's a sunny side where no ills betide, / On the road that we must go; …
Sunshine | John R. Sweney Sunshine in My Soul | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1887 Psalm 97:11-12
There is sunshine in my soul today, / More glorious and bright …
'Tis Marvelous and Wonderful | Lelia N. Morris ’Tis Marvelous and Wonderful | Lelia N. Morris, 1919 Psalms 98:1
The Savior has come in His mighty pow'r, / And spoken peace to my soul; …
Holy Manna | William Moore Brethren, We Have Met to Worship | George Atkins, 1819 Psalms 99:5
Brethren, we have met to worship and adore the Lord our God; / Will you pray with all your power, while we try to preach the Word? …
Be Glad in the Lord | James McGranahan Be Glad in the Lord | Mary E. Servoss, 1906 Psalms 100
Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, / All ye that are upright in heart; …
Praise the Lord Jehovah | Audrey Wilcox Praise the Lord Jehovah | Scripture, 2022 Psalm 100
All ye lands and all ye people, / Sing unto the Lord your King! …
A Sweeter Anthem | Barney E. Warren A Sweeter Anthem | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Psalm 100:2
When we pass the golden summer, / And, like autumn leaves, retire …
Davis | Freeman Lewis O Thou in Whose Presence | Joseph Swain, 1791 Psalms 100:2
O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight, / On whom in affliction I call; …
Grosser Gott | German melody Holy God, We Praise Your Name | Ignace Franz, 1774 Psalm 103:1
Holy God, we praise Your name; / Lord of all, we bow before You; …
He Knows, Yes, He Knows | Uriah E. Hallman He Knows, Yes, He Knows | Edith Chase, 1907 Psalms 103:13-14
He knows, yes, He knows when we're tempted and tried; / Our prayers He will answer if close by His side. …
Darwall's 148th | John Darwall Rejoice, the Lord Is King | Charles Wesley, 1744 Psalm 103:19
Rejoice, the Lord is King! / Your Lord and King adore; …
Lyons | Joseph M. Kraus Oh, Worship the King | William Kethe, 1561 Psalm 104:1-2
Oh, worship the King, all-glorious above, / Oh, gratefully sing His pow'r and His love; …
In the Sunlight of His Love | Edmund S. Lorenz In the Sunlight of His Love | Frances J. Crosby, 1895 Psalms 104:33
Oh, my heart is full of gladness, and I cannot help but sing, / I am trusting all to Jesus, to His cross alone I cling; …
Thinking, Lord, of Thee | Clarence E. Hunter Thinking, Lord, of Thee | Charles E. Orr, 1900 Psalm 104:34
Alone in some secure retreat, / The sky o'ershadows me; …
Sing On | John R. Sweney Sing On | Frances J. Crosby, 1885 Psalm 105:2
Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims, / Nor think the moments long; …
Othello | Edwin O. Excell Since I Have Been Redeemed | Edwin O. Excell, 1884 Psalms 105:3
I have a song I love to sing, / Since I have been redeemed, …
Spencer | Mrs. Lewis. S. Chafer I Cannot Breathe Enough of Thee | William S. Walton, 1906 Psalm 105:4
I cannot breathe enough of Thee, / O gentle Breeze of Love; …
Wellesley | Lizzie S. Tourjee There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy | Frederick W. Faber, 1862 Psalm 106:1
There's a wideness in God's mercy, / Like the wideness of the sea; …
Kremser (2) | Dutch melody We Praise You, O God | Julia B. Cory, 1902 Psalms 106:1
We praise You, O God, our Redeemer, Creator; / In grateful devotion our tribute we bring; …
Zion's Triumphant Song | Daniel O. Teasley Zion’s Triumphant Song | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Psalm 106:47
Zion's songs of peace are sounding / Now again on earth; …
Oh, 'Tis Wonderful! | Francis A. Blackmer Oh, ’Tis Wonderful! | I. I. Leslie, 1884 Psalm 107
When I was far away and lost, / Oh, 'tis wonderful! …
I'm Redeemed | Joseph C. Fisher I’m Redeemed | Joseph C. Fisher, 1884 Psalm 107:2
I'm redeemed, I'm redeemed, / From the darkness of the night, …
Redeemed | William J. Kirkpatrick Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! | Frances J. Crosby, 1882 Psalm 107:2
Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! / Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; …
Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley Tell It I Must | Daniel O. Teasley, 1918 Psalms 107:2
I'm happy in Jesus and tell it I must, / For He has redeemed me, I know; …
Lead Me Gently Home, Father | Will L. Thompson Lead Me Gently Home, Father | Will L. Thompson, 1879 Psalms 107:7
Lead me gently home, Father, / Lead me gently home; …
It Satisfies My Soul | Barney E. Warren It Satisfies My Soul | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 107:9
For me the blessed Savior came, / His great salvation to proclaim; …
Satisfied | Ralph E. Hudson Satisfied | Clara T. Williams, 1875 Psalms 107:9
All my life I had a longing / For a drink from some clear spring, …
I'll Stand by Until the Morning | James McGranahan I’ll Stand by Until the Morning | Daniel W. Whittle, 1878 Psalm 107:28-30
Fierce and wild the storm is raging / Round a helpless bark, …
The Haven of Rest | George D. Moore The Haven of Rest | Henry L. Gilmour, 1885 Psalm 107:29-30
My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea, / So burdened with sin and distressed, …
Awakening Chorus | Charles H. Gabriel Awakening Chorus | Charles H. Gabriel, 1905 Psalms 108:1-5
Awake! awake! and sing the blessed story; / Awake! awake! and let your song of praise arise; …
My Heart Is Fixed on Jesus | William J. Ramsay My Heart Is Fixed on Jesus | Lavinia E. Brauff, 1912 Psalms 108:1
My heart is fixed on Jesus, the sun of all my thought; / What wondrous work of grace His love within my soul hath wrought! …
Since Jesus Put the Glory in My Soul | Andrew L. Byers Since Jesus Put the Glory in My Soul | Charles W. Naylor, 1923 Psalm 108:1
All my darkness Christ has scattered, brought a glorious dawn, / There is sunshine on my pathway since my burden's gone; …
Jesus Giveth Us the Victory | Albert B. Simpson Jesus Giveth Us the Victory | Albert B. Simpson, 1904 Psalm 108:13
There's a battle raging in the heav'nly places, / Sin and death and sickness with Satan leading on: …
Holiness (Hunter) | Clarence E. Hunter Holiness | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalms 110:3
Beautiful holiness! theme of the Bible, / Filling my heart with its riches of grace; …
My Heart Is Fixed on Jesus | William J. Ramsay My Heart Is Fixed on Jesus | Lavinia E. Brauff, 1912 Psalms 112:7
My heart is fixed on Jesus, the sun of all my thought; / What wondrous work of grace His love within my soul hath wrought! …
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord | Ralph E. Hudson Blessed Be the Name of the Lord | Charles Wesley, 1739 Psalms 113:2
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, / Blessed be the Name of the Lord! …
Showers of Blessing | James McGranahan There Shall Be Showers of Blessing | Daniel W. Whittle, 1883 Psalm 115:12
There shall be showers of blessing: / This is the promise of love; …
Whitewater | Joel A. Erickson I Love You, Lord—You Heard My Cries | Scripture, 1719 Psalm 116:1-9
I love You, Lord—You heard my cries, / And pitied every groan; …
Rapture (Scholfield) | Jack P. Scholfield Saved, Saved | Jack P. Scholfield, 1911 Psalm 116:6
I've found a Friend, who is all to me, / His love is ever true; …
Oh, Praise the Lord! | Barney E. Warren Oh, Praise the Lord! | Scripture, 1911 Psalm 117
Oh, praise the Lord, all ye nations! / Praise Him, all ye people! …
Sing His Praise | Daniel O. Teasley Sing His Praise | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Psalm 117
Let us praise the Lord, for His smiles that beam / O'er our happy hearts; …
Glory, Hallelujah (2) | William Steffe The Truth Is Marching On | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Psalm 117:2
From the mount of heav'nly vision what a glory we behold! / Eighteen hundred years of victory are tinging earth with gold; …
Mendebras | German melody O Day of Peace and Gladness | Christopher Wordsworth, 1862 Psalm 118:24
O day of peace and gladness, / O day of joy and light, …
O Day So Wondrous | Harold Marlow O Day So Wondrous | Harold Marlow, 1899 Psalm 118:24
O day so wondrous, / We take thee to us, …
The Lord's Day | Andrew L. Byers The Lord’s Day | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalm 118:24
O day of all the days the best, / When—laid aside each earthly care— …
Heartfelt | Kevin D. Miller O God, Receive My Undivided Heart | Kevin D. Miller, 2015 Psalm 119:10-11
O God, receive my undivided heart, / Enfold it gently to Thy breast; …
The Christian's Guide | Barney E. Warren The Christian’s Guide | Maggie W. Stratton, 1897 Psalm 119:16
Holy Bible, how I love it! / How it doth my bosom cheer, …
Open My Eyes, That I May See | Clara H. Scott Open My Eyes, That I May See | Clara H. Scott, 1895 Psalm 119:18
Open my eyes, that I may see / Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; …
Bethlehem | Gottfried W. Fink Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord | Edwin Hodder, 1863 Psalm 119:18,162
Thy Word is like a garden, Lord, with flowers bright and fair; / And everyone who seeks may pluck a lovely cluster there. …
Jesus, I Come | George C. Stebbins Jesus, I Come | William T. Sleeper, 1887 Psalms 119:41
Out of my bondage, sorrow and night, / Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; …
Angel's Story | Arthur H. Mann O Jesus, I Have Promised | John E. Bode, 1868 Psalm 119:57
O Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end; / Be Thou forever near me, my Master and my Friend; …
The Word of God | Barney E. Warren The Word of God | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Psalm 119:89
By the word of God the worlds were made, / And are held in place by His commands; …
Give Me the Bible | Edmund S. Lorenz Give Me the Bible | Priscilla J. Owens, 1883 Psalm 119:105,130
Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming, / To cheer the wand'rer lone and tempest tossed; …
No Book Is Like the Bible | Asa Hull No Book Is Like the Bible | Frances J. Crosby, 1869 Psalm 119:105,161
No book is like the Bible, / For childhood, youth and age; …
The Dear Old Bible | Haldor Lillenas The Dear Old Bible | Haldor Lillenas, 1917 Psalm 119:105
Give me the dear old Bible as my guide each day, / Be it my help and comfort on my pilgrim way, …
The Music of God's Word | George C. Stebbins The Music of God’s Word | Flora Kirkland, 1906 Psalm 119:105,162
In the deep, deep waves of sorrow, / 'Mid the strong, swift tides of grief, …
Oh, Hold Me Fast | Charles H. Gabriel Oh, Hold Me Fast | L. J. Williams, 1913 Psalm 119:116-117
Oh, let me grow from day to day / More perfect, Lord, and strong alway; …
I Give My All to Thee | Barney E. Warren I Give My All to Thee | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Psalm 119:145
My blessed Lord, I will be Thine, / Thy blood has made me free; …
Peace | Barney E. Warren Peace | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Psalm 119:165
Sweet peace is flowing, peace that will abide; / Peace e'er increasing, Jesus will provide; …
Should We Meet Here No More | Daniel O. Teasley Should We Meet Here No More | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Psalm 121:8
Should we meet no more till at the judgment, / When the mighty millions now that sleep …
He Is Everything to Me | Barney Rouse He Is Everything to Me | Barney Rouse, 1960 Psalm 124
When I was in trouble, my way was dark as night, / But Jesus gave me comfort, and brought me to the light; …
Since I've Learned to Trust Him More | Francis A. Blackmer Since I’ve Learned to Trust Him More | Francis A. Blackmer, 1884 Psalm 125:1
Once I thought I walked with Jesus, / Yet such changeful feelings had, …
Zion (2) | Thomas Hastings Dismissal | William L. Viner Zion Stands by Hills Surrounded | Thomas Kelley, 1806 Psalm 125:2
Zion stands by hills surrounded, / Zion, kept by pow'r divine; …
To God Be the Glory (Crosby) | William H. Doane To God Be the Glory (Crosby) | Frances J. Crosby, 1875 Psalm 126:3
To God be the glory, great things He hath done, / So loved He the world that He gave us His Son, …
Sowing and Reaping | Barney E. Warren Sowing and Reaping | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 126:5-6
He that goeth forth and weepeth, / Bearing seeds to every land, …
Bringing in the Sheaves | George A. Minor Bringing in the Sheaves | Knowles Shaw, 1874 Psalm 126:6
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, / Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve; …
Leaves or Sheaves | Barney E. Warren Leaves or Sheaves | Barney E. Warren, 1923 Psalm 126:6
He that goeth forth with yearning heart, / Bearing seeds to hill and plain, …
The Precious Seed | Barney E. Warren The Precious Seed | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Psalm 126:6
We are sowing every moment, / Seeds that yield much good, or bad; …
Guetersloh | German melody Vesalius | Edward C. Perry Oh, Happy Home | Karl J. Spitta, 1833 Psalm 128
Oh, happy home, where Thou art loved the dearest, / Thou loving Friend and Savior of our race, …
Jesus, I Come | George C. Stebbins Jesus, I Come | William T. Sleeper, 1887 Psalm 130:1
Out of my bondage, sorrow and night, / Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; …
At Thy Feet I Fall | Anonymous/Unknown At Thy Feet I Fall | Catherine Booth-Clibborn, 1888 Psalms 130:6
O Lamb of God! Thou wonderful sin-bearer, / Hard after Thee my soul doth follow on; …
Joyful Meeting in Glory | Daniel O. Teasley Joyful Meeting in Glory | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Psalm 130:6
Tell me, watchman, oh, what of the morning / Do you see as the mist clears away? …
God's Way Is Best | Clarence E. Hunter God’s Way Is Best | Charles W. Naylor, 1904 Psalm 131:1
God's way is best; if human wisdom / A fairer way may seem to show, …
Joyful News | Barney E. Warren Joyful News | Barney E. Warren Psalm 132:16
Jesus brought me to the mountain, / Where salvation echoes roll; …
Mount Calvary | Robert P. Stewart How Sweet, How Heavenly | Joseph Swain, 1792 Psalm 133:1
How sweet, how heav'nly is the sight, / When those that love the Lord …
Lift Up Your Hands | Andrew L. Byers Lift Up Your Hands | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Psalm 134:2
Oh, come and praise the Lord today, / And together laud His name; …
Nun Danket | Johann Crüger Now Thank We All Our God | Martin Rinkart, 1636 Psalm 136:26
Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices, / Who wondrous things has done, in Whom this world rejoices; …
River of Babylon | Barney E. Warren River of Babylon | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Psalm 137:1-4
By thy dark, deceptive flow, / Sighing, moaning river, …
St. Thomas (Williams) | Aaron Williams I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord | Timothy Dwight, 1800 Psalms 137:5-6
I love Thy kingdom, Lord, / The place of Thine abode, …
I Love the Church of God | Andrew L. Byers I Love the Church of God | Jennie Mast, 1907 Psalm 137:6
I love the church of God, / Structure divine, …
Solid Rock (2) | William B. Bradbury With Grateful Heart My Thanks I Bring | Scripture, 1912 Psalm 138
With grateful heart my thanks I bring, / Before the great Thy praise I sing; …
Ever Lead Me | Barney E. Warren Ever Lead Me | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Psalm 139:9-10
Out on this dark world, Savior, am I, / Be Thou my helper, oh, hear my cry; …
Tenderly Lead Thou Me On | Norman W. Smith Tenderly Lead Thou Me On | Joseph Smith, 1903 Psalms 139:9-10
Tenderly, tenderly lead Thou me on, / On o'er the way where my Savior hath gone; …
Consolation (Mendelssohn) (3) | Felix Mendelssohn Still, Still with Thee | Harriet B. Stowe, 1855 Psalm 139:18
Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh, / When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee; …
God Omniscient | Nellie L. Miller God Omniscient | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Psalm 139:23
God omniscient, God all-wise, / With Thy ever-searching eyes, …
Maori | Clarence Scott Search Me, O God | James E. Orr, 1936 Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart today, / Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray; …
Ellers | Edward J. Hopkins Search Me, O Lord | Frances J. Crosby, 1875 Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O Lord, and try this heart of mine, / Search me, and prove if I indeed am Thine. …
Pilgrims | Henry T. Smart My Home Is God Himself | Frances Brook, 1899 Psalms 140:13
My home is God Himself; Christ brought me there, / And bade me dwell in Him, rejoicing there; …
Evening Devotion | Henry J. K. Goerz Evening Devotion | Gloria G. Hale, 1907 Psalm 141:2
When the shades of night are falling, / And the sun has gone to rest, …
Evening Praise | Barney E. Warren Evening Praise | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 141:2
Lord, the shades of night are gently soothing nature into rest, / And Thy love, to us unfolding, moves devotion in our breast, …
'Tis So Sweet | Andrew L. Byers 'Tis So Sweet [Major] | Andrew L. Byers ’Tis So Sweet | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Psalm 142:6
'Tis so sweet just to know, as I with my Savior go, / If I heed every sacred command …
Unanswered Yet | Charles D. Tillman Unanswered Yet | F. G. Burroughs, 1879 Psalm 143:1
Unanswered yet? The prayer your lips have pleaded / In agony of heart these many years? …
Morning Worship (Martin) | Silas S. Martin Morning Worship (Martin) | Silas S. Martin, 1982 Psalms 143:8
O Lord, be with me through this day; / Direct my thoughts aright, I pray, …
Hiding in Thee | Ira D. Sankey Hiding in Thee | William O. Cushing, 1876 Psalm 143:9
O safe to the Rock that is higher than I, / My soul in its conflicts and sorrows would fly; …
Italian Hymn | Felice de Giardini Come, Thou Almighty King | Charles Wesley, 1757 Psalm 144:5
Come, Thou almighty King, / Help us Thy Name to sing, help us to praise! …
Happy in the Savior | Barney E. Warren Happy in the Savior | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Psalm 144:15
I am happy in the Lord for the love He showed to me, / And I'm resting on His precious promise; …
The Happy People | Barney E. Warren The Happy People | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalm 144:15
Who but the Christian is happy and free, / Filled with the glory of God? …
The Wonderful Story | Charles H. Gabriel The Wonderful Story | Charles H. Gabriel, 1897 Psalm 145:5
Oh, sweet is the story of Jesus, / The wonderful Savior of men, …
Launch Out | Russell K. Carter The Mercy of God Is an Ocean Divine | Albert B. Simpson, 1891 Psalms 145:8
The mercy of God is an ocean divine, / A boundless and fathomless flood; …
Azmon | Carl G. Gläser Lyngham | Thomas Jarman Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing | Charles Wesley, 1739 Psalm 145:10-12
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing / My great Redeemer's praise, …
Wir Pflugen | Johann A. P. Schulz We Plow the Fields and Scatter | Matthias Claudius, 1782 Psalm 145:16
We plow the fields and scatter / The good seed on the land, …
Byefield | Thomas Hastings Campmeeting (2) | Anonymous/Unknown Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire | James Montgomery, 1818 Psalm 145:18
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, / Unuttered or expressed; …
Old 113th | Matthäus Greiter Nashville | Anonymous/Unknown I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath | Scripture, 1719 Psalm 146
I'll praise my Maker while I've breath, / And when my voice is lost in death, …
Ville du Havre | Philip P. Bliss It Is Well with My Soul | Horatio G. Spafford, 1873 Psalm 146:1
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, / When sorrows like sea billows roll; …
Praise Him, O My Soul | Barney E. Warren Praise Him, O My Soul | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Psalm 146:1
I love the dear Redeemer's name, / Praise the Lord, O my soul! …
Phuket | George C. Stebbins His Praises I Will Sing | Jonathan B. Atchinson, 1891 Psalms 146:2
I've learned to sing a glad new song / Of praise unto our King! …
How Can I Keep from Singing? | Robert Lowry How Can I Keep from Singing? | Robert Lowry, 1869 Psalm 146:2
My life flows on in endless song; / Above earth's lamentation, …
Joyful Song | Chester G. Allen Praise Him! Praise Him! | Frances J. Crosby, 1869 Psalm 146:2
Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! / Sing, O earth—His wonderful love proclaim! …
Truth Divine | Andrew L. Byers Truth Divine | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalm 146:5-6
Truth divine, by angels spoken, / Clothed in strains of music grand; …
Only Jesus | Daniel O. Teasley Only Jesus | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Psalm 147:3
Only Jesus, precious Jesus, / Can our every sorrow know; …
Can You Count the Stars? | German melody Can You Count the Stars? | Johann W. Hey, 1837 Psalm 147:4
Can you count the stars of evening / That are shining in the sky? …
Little Star | Charles H. Gabriel Little Star | Jennie Ree, 1904 Psalm 147:4
How wise you look, little star, away / Up yonder in the sky; …
Praise Jehovah | Anonymous/Unknown Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah | Scripture, 1831 Psalm 148
Hallelujah, praise Jehovah, / From the heavens praise His name; …
The Music of His Name | Barney E. Warren The Music of His Name | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Psalms 148:13
Who can sing the wondrous love of the Son divine? / O my Lord, there's none so dear to me …
Keep Me Near Thee | Barney E. Warren Keep Me Near Thee | William J. Henry, 1897 Psalms 148:14
Keep me near Thee, blessed Jesus, / Keep me near Thee lest I stray; …
Happy Land | Hindustani melody There Is a Happy Land | Andrew Young, 1838 Psalm 149:5
There is a happy land, far, far away, / Where saints in glory stand, bright, bright as day; …
Glory in My Soul | Charles H. Gabriel Glory in My Soul [TTBB] | Charles H. Gabriel There Is Glory in My Soul | Grace W. Davis, 1894 Psalms 149:5
Since I lost my sins and I found my Savior, / There is glory in my soul! …
A Song of Praise | William J. Henry A Song of Praise | Della Fry, 1897 Psalms 150
Let the gates of praise be open, / Sounding forth the joy within; …
Canaan | American melody A Joyful Song of Praise | Ambrose N. Blatchford, 1876 Psalm 150:1-2
A joyful song of praise we sing, / And thankfully we gather …
Lobe den Herren | Anonymous/Unknown Praise to the Lord, the Almighty | Joachim Neander, 1680 Psalm 150:1-2
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! / O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation! …
Morning Worship (Warren) | Barney E. Warren Morning Worship (Warren) | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Psalms 150:6
In the dawning of the morning, / How our hearts with praises swell, …