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Child of God’s boundless mercy,
Child of His tender love,
Is He not true forever?
Will He not faithful prove?
Hidden may be His purpose,
When thou dost weap and pray;
Silence may be the answer,
He may seem far away.

Dwelling in Beulah Land

Let the stormy breezes blow, their cry cannot alarm me;
I am safely sheltered here, protected by God’s hand;
Here the sun is always shining, here there’s naught can harm me;
I am safe forever in Beulah Land.

Fight the Good Fight

Run the straight race through God’s good grace;
Lift up thine eyes, and seek Christ’s face;
Life with its way before us lies—
Christ is the path, and Christ the prize.

God’s Way

God’s way is the best way, though I may not see
Why sorrows and trials oft gather ’round me;
He ever is seeking my gold to refine,
So humbly I trust Him, my Savior divine.

God’s way is the best way, my path He has planned,
I’ll trust in Him alway while holding His hand;
In shadows or sunshine He ever is near,
With Him for my refuge, I never need fear.

God’s way shall be my way, He knoweth the best;
And leaning upon Him, sweet, sweet is my rest,
No harm can befall me, safe, safe shall I be,
I’ll cling to Him ever, so precious is He.


God’s way is the best way,
God’s way is the right way,
I’ll trust in Him alway,
He knoweth the best.

God’s Way Is Always Best

In humble faith at Jesus’ feet,
Oh, may I learn a lesson sweet,
That whether sun or rain I see,
God’s way is always best for me.

His way may lead through sunny vales,
O’er rocky steeps, ’mid stormy gales;
The truest course His eye can see;
God’s way is always best for me.

He never bids me go alone;
His loving arms around me thrown,
My guide, my keeper He will be;
God’s way is always best for me.

So, step by step in faith and love,
I’ll walk the path that leads above:
Till day shall break, and shadows flee,
God’s way is always best for me.


God’s way is best for you, for me;
Oh, may we all more trustful be,
Until, beyond the parting sea,
I’ll sing, God’s way was best for me.

God’s Way Is Best

God’s way is best; if human wisdom
A fairer way may seem to show,
’Tis only that our earth-dimmed vision
The truth can never clearly know.

God’s way is best; heart, cease thy struggling
To see and know and understand;
Forsake thy fears and doubts, but trusting,
Submit thyself into His hand.


God’s way is best, I will not murmur,
Although the end I may not see;
Where’er He leads I’ll meekly follow,
God’s way is best, is best for me.

It Is Mine

God’s abiding peace is in my soul today,
Yes, I feel it now, yes, I feel it now;
He has taken all my doubts and fears away,
Though I cannot tell you how.

Like a River Glorious

Like a river glorious is God’s perfect peace,
Over all victorious, in its bright increase;
Perfect, yet it floweth fuller every day,
Perfect, yet it groweth deeper all the way.

Little Raindrops

Every drop reflecting God’s most tender love
Helps to light the pathway to the Home above.

Power for Service

Disciples of the Holy One,
Have ye the Holy Ghost received?
Has heav’n’s baptismal fire come down
Upon your souls since ye believed?
The great Refiner, has He come
And purified your souls from sin?
And in your hearts set up His home,
And brought His heav’nly Kingdom in?

The Pentecostal hallowed show’r,
Which on the waiting suppliants came,
The blest anointing, sacred pow’r,
The all-inspiring, heav’nly flame—
Are all your inmost pow’rs imbued
With Christlike sweetness, holy joy,
With Jesus’ blessed mind endued,
Do heav’nly things your pow’rs employ?

Are you in perfect harmony
With God’s own will each day and hour?
In all things only Him to see
And ever feel His saving pow’r?
A spotless soul, a single eye,
A spirit filled with love and peace?
A life, His name to glorify,
Your God alone to serve and please?

The blessed Comforter divine
Delights to make us His abode,
In His own brightness thus to shine
As trophies of His saving blood;
Oh, Holy Ghost, how blest Thy sway
To purify and save each day;
Oh, Christians, have ye yet received
The Holy Ghost since ye believed?