Disciples of the Holy One, Have ye the Holy Ghost received? Has heav’n’s baptismal fire come down Upon your souls since ye believed? The great Refiner, has He come And purified your souls from sin? And in your hearts set up His home, And brought His heav’nly Kingdom in?
The Pentecostal hallowed show’r, Which on the waiting suppliants came, The blest anointing, sacred pow’r, The all-inspiring, heav’nly flame— Are all your inmost pow’rs imbued With Christlike sweetness, holy joy, With Jesus’ blessed mind endued, Do heav’nly things your pow’rs employ?
Are you in perfect harmony With God’s own will each day and hour? In all things only Him to see And ever feel His saving pow’r? A spotless soul, a single eye, A spirit filled with love and peace? A life, His name to glorify, Your God alone to serve and please?
The blessed Comforter divine Delights to make us His abode, In His own brightness thus to shine As trophies of His saving blood; Oh, Holy Ghost, how blest Thy sway To purify and save each day; Oh, Christians, have ye yet received The Holy Ghost since ye believed?