There’s power in the blood to save from sin, To bring the peace of God where guilt hath been; A new and happy life will then begin, There’s power in the blood of Jesus.
Refrain: There’s power in the blood of Jesus, There’s power in the blood of Jesus; To save the soul today, Wash every sin away, There’s power in the blood of Jesus.
There’s power in the blood today, I see, As when He set the palsied sinner free; And now His saving grace extends to me, There’s power in the blood of Jesus.
No righteousness of ours can e’er avail, But through the Lamb of God we shall prevail; There’s power in His blood, all else will fail, There’s power in the blood of Jesus.
There’s power in the blood for our release, There’s power in the blood to bring soul-peace; The merits of His blood will not decrease, There’s power in the blood of Jesus.