Praise God for His Word! from its pages divine Came the light of His love to this poor heart of mine: I had wandered afar in the byways of sin, When the light of His truth to my heart entered in.
Refrain: Praise God for His grace which its pages unfold! For the story of love which will never grow old! For the light on life’s pathway which streams from its pages! Praise God for His Word, blessed Book of the Ages!
Praise God for His Word; for the heavenly light It is sending afar into sin’s darksome night; For the hope which it gives, where before was despair, For the Heaven revealed, and the way leading there!
Praise God for His Word! not a promise shall fail; Whatsoe’er may oppose, still its truth will prevail: ’Tis the Word of our God and fore’er must endure; Earth and heaven may pass, but it standeth secure.
The Cyber Hymnal (
The Gospel Trumpet Company, Hymnal of the Church of God, 1953 (109)