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Every Hour of the Passing Day

Every hour of the passing day
Let me breathe Thy name in prayer;
Trusting in Thy grace divine,
Let me in Thy glory share.

For a Worldwide Revival

There’s a “sound of a going in the mulberry trees,”
News of nations awaking borne upon every breeze;
For the prayers of His children God in mercy doth own;
The revival’s beginning, and the pow’r’s coming down.

God Answered Prayer for Me

Praise God, I now am happy,
My soul is light and free,
The God that heard old Daniel
Has answered prayer for me.

Whene’er I meet with trouble,
To Him in prayer I go,
For He is always willing
To answer me, I know.


God answered prayer for me,
He answered prayer for me;
If thou wilt pray, believing,
I know He’ll answer thee.

God Is Everywhere

See, the Lord hath made us by His mighty pow’r,
And He watches o’er us every day and hour;
This we do remember when we kneel in prayer,
God is up in heaven, God is everywhere.

God Is So Good

God answers prayer,
God answers prayer,
God answers prayer,
He’s so good to me!

God Is Still on the Throne

Burdened soul, is your heart growing weary
With the toil and the heat of the day?
Does it seem that your path is more thorny
As you journey along on life’s way?
Go away and in secret before Him
Tell your grief to the Savior alone;
He will lighten your care, for He still answers prayer;
God is still on the throne.

God Knows and He Cares

If you should feel sad and dejected,
When no answer comes to your prayers,
And when it seems you are neglected,
Remember, God knows and He cares.

God Will Answer Your Prayer

Long you have pled at the throne of His grace,
Shed bitter tears in that sweet, hallowed place;
Yet, though it seem He is hiding His face,
Keep on praying, God will answer your prayer.

Doubt not His love, nor His promise assail;
Only believe, for His word cannot fail;
“Ask what ye will,” and your plea shall avail,
Keep on praying, God will answer your prayer.

In His own time, in His own perfect way—
He knoweth best—it is thine to obey;
Though you receive no assurance today,
Keep on praying, God will answer your prayer.

Never despair, He is faithful and true;
Keep holding on, there is vict’ry for you;
All you can ask He is able to do—
Keep on praying, God will answer your prayer.


Keep on praying, keep on praying,
You shall have your reward sometime, somewhere;
Trust Him, believe, and thy guerdon* receive;
Keep on praying, God will answer your prayer.

Gone Home to Rest

Thy prayers and tears have gone before,
Thy works shall follow on,
And gather gems forevermore,
To glitter in thy crown.

Happy the Home When God Is There

Happy the home when God is there,
And love fills every breast;
When one their wish, and one their prayer,
And one their heav’nly rest.

Happy the home where prayer is heard,
And praise is wont to rise;
Where parents love the sacred Word
And all its wisdom prize.