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A Religious Controversy | Charles E. Orr

Conversation 17

Mrs. Wiseman (next day)—The meetings are getting better. There were several at the altar last night and nearly all found the joy of salvation. But we were talking yesterday evening on the branches.

Mr. Wiseman—Yes; I said the denominations are branches of the church of God, and you said they’re no part of the church of God.

Mrs. W.—Let us illustrate it in this way: Our children are born into our family. We are the vine, so to speak, and they are the branches. They are of our blood and life. Now, we get into God’s family by being “born again.” Then He is the vine, and we are the branches. Suppose a man named Smith should come along and say to our children, “Now, my little Wisemans, I’m going to organize a Smith family, and I want you to come and join my family.” Two of our children go and join his family. Then a man by the name of Brown says to those left of our children, “Little Wisemans. I’m going to organize a Brown family, and I want you to come and join my family.” Two of our children go and join his family. Now, two of our children are known as Smith-Wisemans, and two as Brown-Wisemans. Now our children in the Smith and Brown families are members of our family and a branch of us, but are those Smith and Brown organizations a branch in us?

Mr. W.—No; they certainly are not. Only our children are the branches.

Mrs. W.—So it is with God’s family. We’re born into it: we’re members of His flesh and of His bone; we’re branches in Him; we’re Christians because we’re branches in Christ. Now a man comes along and organizes a Methodist family, or church, and some Christians join it. Then a man organizes a Presbyterian church, and some of God’s children join it. They’re known as Methodist Christians and Presbyterian Christians. The Christians in those organizations are branches in Christ. but the organizations are not branches.

Mr. W.—I see the point—I see it clearly. Well, well, it is indeed singular that one can be so blinded as I have been. When a man is converted, he is in the church of God, and he doesn’t need to join any of the creeds of men. But what does your paper mean by saying, “This reformation?”

Mrs. W.—Were now in a reformation. It’s the last reformation. There have been other reformations, but they were not a revival of the whole Word of God. The work of God in this reformation is in lifting the standard up to where it was in the morning of this Christian era. God is gathering His people out of the sects, and they’re coming into the one fold—the church of God.

Mr. W.—That looks very good to me now, but what is going to become of all these churches?

Mrs. W.—They will go on just as they are, or will get worse. They’re going along with the world and thus they’ll continue to go.

Mr. W.—But can they not be reformed?

Mrs. W.—What do you mean—the sects?

Mr. W.—Yes, can the sects not be reformed?

Mrs. W.—No, the sects are evils, and you can’t reform an evil thing. But there are good people in the sects, and these we hope to reach.

Mr. W.—Well, if you’re seeking to benefit the good people in the sects, why not stay in there and do it?

Mrs. W.—We must forsake every evil thing. The sects divide the people of God, and therefore they are evil things. Consequently, I must forsake them, else I would be dwelling in known evil.

Mr. W.—Well, I’m learning; I see more clearly.

Mrs. W.—The Bible says we’re not to be yoked up with those who love the world and don’t believe the whole Word of God.

Mr. W.—One of the churches down in the city last week had a moving picture entertainment for the benefit of the young men’s baseball club.

Mrs. W.—They’ll go on with such things as long as time lasts; we’re not expecting anything else. But God is calling His people out. That’s the work these preachers are engaged in, and I expect to have a part in it. I long to help what little I can in this blessed reform.

Mr. W.—But you are not a preacher.

Mrs. W.—I know I’m not, but there’s something we all can do. I shall not sit idle because I’m not a preacher.

Mr. W.—When is this meeting going to close?

Mrs. W.—Let me see—this is Saturday. It closes tomorrow night.

Mr. W.—Are you going tonight?

Mrs. W.—Yes, indeed; I don’t want to miss a meeting.

Mr. W.—I want you to pray for me, Sarah. I’m not saved; I see I’m no Christian. I’ve been living just like people who don’t profess to be Christians. I’ll go with you to the meeting tonight, and if there is any salvation for me, I’m going to have it. May God have mercy on me, a sinner. Do you think I can get saved?

Mrs. W.—“Whosoever will”* (Revelation 22:17) may come. Christ saved the chief of sinners—He will save you.

Mr. W.—I surrender all. Let’s get our work done early and be off.