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A True Story in Allegory | Lottie L. Jarvis

Visit to the Great Camp

Upon the arrival at the great camp, Mrs. Apostasy and Mr. Policy were extremely pleased to find a better welcome than they had expected, and they were able to discern that some of the “principal” ones had been taking some of the same “great praise” dope that had caused Mr. Hypocrisy’s downfall. Consequently there had been considerable disturbance among the faithful ones there, and some of the Sincerity family had been quietly renounced and set aside in other parts, also.

Mr. Policy thereupon was given the freedom of the pulpit. Now he, like his father, Beelzebub, was very expert at twisting scriptures. His first sermon was, “That your faith may stand in the wisdom of men.” He showed how many of the customs of the faithful ones were neither according to the wisdom of men, nor common sense. Then in his witty way he held up some of their peculiar views to great ridicule, saying, “Where is your scripture for this? See, you are doing this, and have given up that for no reason whatever.” Many, quite forgetting that the Word cannot be understood properly except by the Spirit, began to consider it from a human standpoint and were thus persuaded by him. Some of the “principal” ones sat on the front seat, smiling and rejoicing at the new light which had come at such an opportune time.