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Dear Princess, Number 4 (Fall 1997) | Timeless Truths Publications

From the Editor

Dear Sisters,

Well, the time has rolled around that I have the pleasure of writing to you once more.

I trust you are all encouraged to live for the Lord and am finding more and more that he is the best and dearest friend that you will ever have.

I just wanted to share with you one little thing that the Lord has showed me through a message preached, that trials are actually the signs of more spirituality. It was a great surprise to me as I have often thought, “Oh, if only they weren’t such a trial.” And the more victory I got the more trials I seemed to have. But when I learned that actually trials (taken rightly) were a sign of spiritual progress, I prayed, “Lord just let the trials come. “ Instead of praying, “Lord don’t let it be such a trial to me.” And then when the trials come and resentment, bitterness, self-pity and pride try to take over me, if I cry, “Oh, Shepherd, come quickly, make no tarrying,” as did Much-Afraid, in Hind’s Feet on High Places, the Lord does came, and with Him there, Bitterness, Resentment, Self-Pity and Pride quickly go away. If I let go and let God give me the victory in every trial I have, if the devil tells me I have more trials then any other girl in the world, I can just tell him that if I do, I can have more victories than anyone else in the world! It is your privilege, your right, that the Lord has given you, to have the victory over every trial you have. I just want to encourage you dear sisters to press on and get the victory through your trials and not to get discouraged by them.

Living for Him,

P.S. Thank you all so much for your letters. They were such an encouragement to me!