How Do I Mend This?
with Sister Dorcas
Since our last mending time with you, I have had an occasion to help a young lady mend a jumper that was torn to shreds in a four inch strip that had begun at the hemline and went two third’s of the way up the skirt. We didn’t have any fabric scraps for mending and if we had, the skirt was torn in 1/2 inch strips and we couldn’t sew it to anything—so we finished tearing that four inch width on up to the waist and removed it entirely! We ripped out the seam of the wasit-line; next making a seam where the torn places had been. Then we had too much fullness in the bodice, so a small dart was made, and then the skirt was stitched back to the bodice. The hemline was slip stitched and was ready to wear again! Once again mending had saved a garment and made a girl happy to have her favorite jumper back!