The “Put It Away” Habit!
A place for everything and everything in its place has often been said. It is one of the most important life skills anyone can learn.
Let’s ponder . . .
You may learn to cook with great skill, But if you have not the “immediately put it away” habit, the kitchen will be a mess and be woefully uninviting and unappetizing.
Though you may be able to sew with great accuracy and speed and have not the “put it away” habit, all speed you gained will be lost!
Though you send many letters tied with ribbons and have not the “put it away” habit, the ribbons will soon disappear!
And though you clip many coupons to save money and have not the scissor-“put it away” habit, much time will be wasted.
And though you may read many a book and fill your head and heart with great understanding and wisdom and return not the book to an organized shelf, how are you going to refer back at an opportune time, when you have not the “put it away” habit!?
Even though you may be blessed with an abundance of good clothing… premature wearing out will occur from needless washing because they were left in a heap on the floor for lack of the “hang it up” habit.
Cleaning day is here and you plan to accomplish much. But alas! A sweeper brush is missing—just the one you especially needed today. And where in the world has the mop bucket gone? Oh, for the “putting in proper place habit!”
And oh, those lost receipts and warranties. How much money was lost by not having a filing system—and the “put it away” habit?
Each day, hour and moment from the Lord is precious. Let us not waste many hours of life by not developing the “put it away” habit. The scripture says, “Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.” (Proverbs 4:26)
Does it seem too hard to put things away? The Lord will help you. Claim the promise, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13)
May the Lord help us to learn better how to “redeem the time” and to “let all things be done decently and in order.” (1 Corinthians 14:40)
Reading recommended:
Clutter’s Last Stand, by Don Aslett
Emily’s Creative Home Organizer, by Emily Barnes—good reading on organizing.