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Foundation Truth, Number 4 (Winter 2001) | Timeless Truths Publications

How Do I Mend This?

The woodstove is glowing and the family is gathering in for the evening. Father is sitting in his big chair, ready for an evening of reading literature, communication and family devotions. Mother brings the basket of mending from the sewing room. As a young girl, she read that a pioneer girl’s hands were never idle. She wove that thought into her life and she’s still at it.

Much money can be saved by learning to weave yarn into the thinning soles of heavy socks. Instead of having to buy more socks, by reinforcing them you can get another year’s wear from them.

It is easier to mend before a hole is worn, but take courage, you can mend that hole! An old-fashioned darning egg is very helpful, but any rounded, smooth object which fits easily into the sock, can be used. (A light bulb works well.) Clip off any loose threads around the hole. For the best results use wool yarn for wool socks and cotton darning thread for cottons. Do not knot the thread, for a knot will be uncomfortable. Instead, start the darning by taking several small stitches in the material, about 1/2 inch from the hole (Fig. A) Turn the stocking and take another row of stitches beside the first one. Cover the hole with lengthwise threads, each row ending in six or eight small stitches which cover at least 1/2 inch of the weakened area around the hole. Crosswise threads (Fig. B) are woven in and out, over and under the lengthwise threads. Crosswise threads should extend 1/2 inch beyond the worn edges of the hole, with small stitches in even rows.

What a reward to put the mended sock back in the drawer. Your husband won’t have to tie that pair in a knot to prevent getting a hold of it again!

With love,
Sis. Dorcas