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Foundation Truth, Number 4 (Winter 2001) | Timeless Truths Publications

On the Ocean of Life

Kathryne Helm

Your soul’s like a ship on the ocean of life,
With its rolling billows, and the aves of strife;
When you have not traveled this ocean before,
How can your own hand guide you safe to the shore?

Here lie sunken rocks and great reefs and shoals,
And the dangers unseen there are manifold.
There are maelstroms and whirlpools that draw one down
Till they helplessly sink to the depths and drown.

Your great need is Jesus, a Pilot so true,
Who will stand at the “wheel” and pilot you through.
So relinquish the helm to those nail-scarred hands;
He has traversed life’s sea and He understands.

’Twas His love brought Him down from heaven, for thee,
And the proof of that love is dark Calvary;
And He knows all the dangers upon life’s troubled sea.

To trust Him, your Friend will relieve your distress,
He’ll pilot you through to the haven of rest.
You’ll rejoice all through time and eternity,
That you ever did let Him your Pilot be.