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Foundation Truth, Number 7 (Autumn 2002) | Timeless Truths Publications

A Teacher’s Prayer

R. H. S.

Oh, Lord, if I’m to teach,
Inspire me to be the teacher that I need to be;
Direct my every word and deed,
Supply me with the wisdom that I must have
To guide each child through the day.

Oh, Lord if I’m to teach,
Give me the gift of understanding.
Give me the gifts of love and truth;
Allow my senses added insight
So my lips will speak kind words,
And my eyes will see goodness in everyone.

Oh, Lord, if I’m to teach,
Grant me the power to penetrate the mind’s mystery,
And let me awaken the sleeping knowledge
You have placed there.
Show me how to enlighten the unfortunate,
And give me patience with the slower ones.

Oh, Lord, if I’m to teach,
Let me have compassion, and make me sympathetic.
Help me to be tolerant;
Remove prejudice and doubt and fear from my mind.
Let me appreciate each child a little bit every day.

Oh, Lord if I’m to teach,
Grant me strength to teach with joy in my heart,
And allow my service to be a living example.
Lord, give me the gift of teaching…
I ask so much, but Lord,
I need so much if I’m to teach.