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Helps to Holy Living | Charles E. Orr

The Cup of Cold Water

Read Matthew 10:42 and Mark 9:41. Nothing is too small to do out of purest fervent love for Christ. Love is keen-eyed and will find many little things to do for Jesus in the busiest days of life. Every act of our life leads to God or from God. The least act done in love will be rewarded. Even saints, many of them, do not realize this fact as they should. They do not stop to think that their acts, one by one, day after day are making an eternal destiny for them. Every act goes toward building that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Your soul, dear saint, is going to inhabit forever the home you are building out of the little acts of everyday life. The more love we put into the small deed, the greater will be the reward. We must have a care, however, not to do these deeds for reward’s sake, but for love’s sake. Little sacrifices of the flesh for Christ’s sake makes the act beautiful in His sight. Doing things for humanity’s sake is commendable, but doing them for Christ’s sake is infinitely more so. Many of us need greater love for Christ; love that will move us to please the Lord in all we think and say and do throughout the whole of the day; love that will cause us to eat and drink to His glory.