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Helps to Holy Living | Charles E. Orr

The Value of Truth

“Buy the truth, and sell it not.”* (Proverbs 23:23)

It costs something to gain possession of truth, but it is well worth all it costs. It is the most valuable treasure of which man can gain possession. What is truth? It is the way to true happiness, the way to perfect manhood, the way to Christ and heaven. It is the “pearl of great price.”* (Matthew 13:46) What does it cost? It costs all that a man has. It costs him the world, all earthly possessions, earthly ties, and his own life. When truth is gained it brings to us all that was given for it. It gives a new world, it gives earthly ties purified and made dearer, it gives earthly possessions sanctified, and life now and forever. “Sell it not.” Truth is a precious treasure, and where treasures are thieves will come. These thieves will come in their most deceptive and cunning devices. They will come as an angel of light. They will come as if sent from heaven. Many a man who gave all he had to purchase truth has bartered it away for a trifle. For a bit of worldliness, for some fleshly gratification, truth has been lost in a few moments of time. It has been sacrificed for gold. Men have exchanged truth for a false thing called “New Truth,” which they have gone courting all their days.