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The Hidden Life | Charles E. Orr

Abounding Grace

Wide open is the way to heaven’s throne of grace. Every needy soul on earth can have access to that throne by day or by night. The gate is never closed. Come boldly, therefore, to that throne. There you will find grace to strengthen and to help you in every needy hour. Grace will sweeten every affliction. O weary one, do you believe it? Is it really so to you? It may be so. It will lighten every burden of your life; it will cast a beautiful light along your pathway and tinge every shadow with a mellow radiance, as the golden sunset gilds the fleecy cloud.

Lay hold, O weary one, upon the throne of grace by faith and be transported into an atmosphere of light and love, of peace and hope. Rich particles of glory can be drawn down to your soul that will lighten up your pathway and enable you to be blessedly contented in every circumstance of life, patient in every affliction, and faithful to perform every duty; that will put a modesty and meekness into your every action, a cheerfulness into your countenance, a reverence and devotion into your spirit, a sweetness into every expression, and throw about you such an attractive luster, as will make you a blessing everywhere you go. Bow humbly and dependently before the throne of grace; there in earnest, fervent prayer bring down strength and blessings that will elevate your soul and make you more a creature of heaven than of earth. Grace ennobles the character and puts into the being a spiritual tone that allies you more to angels than to unregenerate men.

At the throne of grace you can wave the palm of victory; there you can sway over sin, sickness, Satan, and the world a conqueror’s scepter; there you can sing the song of triumph in the sweetest melody; there you can trample every foe beneath your feet; there you can defeat every lust of the flesh that wars against the soul; there you can be crowned a prince and king; there you can turn your back upon every dark picture and see only the bright side of things; there you can look by faith down your journey of life and see green fields, shady nooks, rippling streams, blooming flowers, and bright sunny days; there by faith you can see Jesus at the right hand of God and your eternal mansion of glory. This is not the flight of imagination, nor the excitement of sentimentalism; it is blessedly real. Come boldly to the throne of grace.