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The Pilot’s Voice | Isabel C. Byrum


Many books have been written for the instruction and enlightenment of the youth of our land, but there is still a need for more. In this day and age, when there are so many unwholesome stories afloat to mislead and corrupt the immature minds of our young people, we should do all that lies in our power to counteract the influence of such dangerous reading material, and to help youthful persons to understand themselves and to be able to judge between right and wrong principles.

All the characters mentioned are real, but their names have been changed, as some of the persons are still living and do not care to be so publicized. The object of the story has been to help youths as they start out upon the Journey of Life for themselves. Byron’s experience will help them to see the necessity of being piloted by the One who understands the dangers abounding in the great, broad ocean before them, and will direct them to the Holy Spirit, who alone is able to serve as Pilot. The remindings given by the conscience will show how necessary it is for all to have a higher and a greater power to guide them through the tests and temptations that assail mankind. But it must have the cooperation of the Holy Spirit in order to be able to perform its work properly.

How often we hear someone say, “If only I had been taught concerning the fruits of disobedience, how many sorrows and heartaches I could have avoided!” Many lives that could have been bright and happy is sad and blighted by the effects of sin and disobedience. This simple story will fulfill its mission if it helps honest souls to listen to the warning of “the Pilot’s voice.”

—Isabel C. Byrum