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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 10 (December 2000)

August 30, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 10 (December 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2000 Trust
Don't you know that there are lots of times it is hard to be cheerful and kind? It is like a stormy winter day when plants don't want to grow.... But Jesus has a way for us to "sprout" on those stormy winter days.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 9 (October 2000)

August 22, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 9 (October 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2000 Decision
Precious... tossed on her crown of love, but didn't have time to adjust her veil of quietness.... Princess Kind-to-All had planned a party and Precious didn't want to be late. She bounded down the steps... and did not notice her ring fall to the floor.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 21 (October 2002)

August 12, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 21 (October 2002) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2002 Contentment
"Don't you think it would be better to keep busy trying to serve others, rather than getting into trouble for being a pest?" Grandpa said to Edward, his eyes twinkling. "God is pleased when we do hard things patiently. He will help us be kind when others are cross."
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 8 (August 2000)

August 2, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 8 (August 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2000 Examination
"Push," said Josh. Timothy sighed. He pushed Josh a little bit. "More," said Josh. Then a thought came to Timothy. If he pushed Josh very hard, Josh might get scared. He would cry. He would want to go to Mother. And Timothy could play by himself!