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Does Might Make Right?

Think About It: True Authority

“I’m my own boss.” That was Darrell’s attitude in the beginning of the story, wasn’t it? What is your “boss” or authority? Maybe you like to fit in with your friends. “Everybody else is doing it,” you might say. Or maybe your rule is to do what “feels good” and is fun. Or you want lots of “nice things” and so you value money most. Maybe, like Darrell, you believe that “might makes right.” My parents boss me around because they are bigger than me, you think. But when I’m BIG enough, no one is going to tell me what to do!

Friends. Good feelings. Money. Power. These are the things that most people want in life. But do they really bring security and happiness? Let’s think about the story again. At first, Darrell’s way looked like it might work. He pushed for what he wanted, ignored what others said, laughed at the rules, and showed off. When he got in trouble, he told lies. He thought the stronger and smarter people could always get their own way. But then he met someone stronger and smarter than he was.

Joseph’s dad was different. He was strong, but he didn’t push. He was smart, but he wasn’t selfish. He expected his son to obey and tell the truth. And he was ready to help when Joseph had trouble. He was a kind man that lived by what was right. This was a different kind of authority than Darrell knew. It was based on trust and respect. Darrell couldn’t push his way around; he had to submit to something that was bigger than him. And it wasn’t just Joseph’s dad. It was the law of love, where right is might and not the other way around.

Just like Darrell had to reckon with Joseph’s dad, we all have to face God someday. And He’s not going to let you get away with wrong either. Excuses and lies won’t get by. God’s authority doesn’t bend to what your friends think or what you feel like. His way is truth—what is really so. And even though He is far stronger and smarter than everyone in the whole world put together, God loves you. What He wants is for you to give up your big ideas and obey Him. He’s the Big Boss, alright, but He wants to be your Friend.

Do you know God’s love and care? Or, are you like Darrell, pushing for your own way, angry and afraid? Be still a moment. Feel His grip on your heart, His quiet voice saying, “Look at Me.” Look up at His power and His goodness. Don’t continue to rebel and hold to your own way. Oh, will you admit that you are wrong—that God’s way is right? Will you believe in His love for you and give up to God?