I Have Learned…
that God Can Take Care of Me
Dear Boys and Girls,
Do you know that the King is happy when we praise Him? He has done so much for us and takes care of all our needs, so let us do our part. In the Bible it says, “Give thanks unto the LORD… make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.” (1 Chronicles 16:8-9)
Just stop and remember a little. What has the Lord done to show His care for you? Were you scared? Was there trouble? Did you lose something or need something? There are many, many ways that God takes care of us. He protects us from dangers; He shows us where we are wrong; He teaches us in the Bible how to live right. And how about your food, clothes, and warm bed? What about your family, house, and friends?
Would you like to share with other boys and girls what you have learned? Have you learned to trust God? This is the time to tell about how God has taken care of you. If it is hard for you to write, ask someone to help you. Remember, we would be in great trouble if we didn’t have such a good Heavenly Father to care for us. Tell what He’s done for you!