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What My Friend Can Do

Do you have a friend that can do anything? I do.

There is nothing too hard for Him! It is wonderful to ask for His help whenever we get into problems.

The other day my sister was showing a young girl how to use our serger. “How do you thread this?” she asked me. “I left the instruction manual at home.”

I went over to help, but no matter how we tried we couldn’t make it work. “This button is supposed to pop in,” I said. “I know it is really simple, but why isn’t it working?” We turned knobs and moved switches, but still nothing worked.

Our young friend tried to be helpful. “Doesn’t your mom know how?” she asked. “I think she’s forgotten,” I said. “I guess we’ll have to wait until we can get the instruction manual.”

Suddenly she smiled. “God knows how! He is like a big instruction manual, because He knows everything.”

“That’s right!” we agreed. “Let’s ask Him to show us what to do.” And do you know what? In less than a minute God helped us to find the solution. I turned a knob and suddenly the button popped in and everything worked just right!

“Thank you, Lord, for helping us,” my sister said, and we all smiled happily.

Do you have a problem that you can’t solve? Remember, God wants to be your Friend and Helper. If there is something you need, Jesus said, “Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.”* (John 16:24)