Whom Does God Help?
I like to read about all the ways God has helped people, don’t you? It is exciting to see what God can do! Do you want God to be your helper, too? There is one thing you need. It is a lowly heart.
A lowly heart? What’s that? Think about the word “lowly” and maybe you can guess. If something is low, it isn’t high, is it? Lowly also means “not big and important.” Hmm, that’s the hard part. You want to be big and important. It is not easy to say “I am small and needy. I need help!”
Think about this balloon for a moment. It is beautiful, isn’t it? But it is so bouncy that you can’t hold it close. Besides, it might pop! If we don’t want to have a lowly heart, we are the same way. We don’t want others to control us or teach us. And inside we are very empty. If someone bothers us too much, we might explode with anger. Is that the life that you want to have? Like a proud balloon that only lasts for a little while?
There is a better way to live. It is the life of the lowly. See this little seed? “I’m not big or important,” it might think. “Someone might step on me or forget about me!” But the gardener says, “Trust me, little seed. I have a plan for you. I am going to plant you in my garden and help you to grow!” Isn’t that a wonderful thing? The little seed could not grow all by itself. It must be buried away in the ground and then the life inside it will come out and become a big and beautiful plant! Isn’t that much better than a plastic balloon?
And that is what it is like to be lowly in heart. In each of the stories that other children have shared, can you see how God helped them when they were lowly? When they stopped trying to do things their own way, they were being lowly. When they took their problems to Jesus, He could help them. Sometimes it is hard to do right. But God will help you when you ask Him! Sometimes it may seem that no one notices you or you can’t do much. But if you trust and obey God, He will make your life grow into something beautiful!