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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 6 (April 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications

Jesus Died for You—Will You Live for Him?

Read the song, “Like Jesus.” In the chorus we sing about Jesus dying for us. On Resurrection Day we celebrate how Jesus died and rose again. Why did He do that? All of the people of the world are going to be judged by God one day. God hates evil, so only those that have lived right and have pure hearts can go to be with Him in Heaven. But since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, everyone has done wrong. The only way for us to be saved from punishment was for God’s Son, who never did wrong, to be punished for us. So Jesus died, because God loved us and didn’t want us to perish—to go to hell (John 3:16). Now we can be saved, if we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and make us clean.

Jesus gave up His life and died for you. Now He asks, “Will you stop sinning and doing wrong? I love you and want to be your Friend. Will you live for Me?” Jesus will help us live for Him. And do you know? When we do right and love others, like Jesus does, we are telling the story. It is the story of how Jesus loves them and wants to save them, too.