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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 62 (Fall 2013) | Timeless Truths Publications

Have you had a trouble or trial? Do you know that these are tests from God and He wants to help you pass them? Read how God helped these children pass their tests and win. Will you? I hope we can print your story next!

Do you have an experience to tell? Just write to me and I will help you write it up!—email Miss Laura

How My Fort Fell Down

One day I thought it would be fun to build a fort up in our tree. So first I got two T-posts and a piece of plywood and some carpet. I didn’t know how to get the plywood in the tree, so I leaned it against the tree and I climbed up the tree and stepped on two branches and then reached down and picked up the plywood, and leaned it on a branch. I grabbed the two T-posts and pulled them up in the tree. I put them on two branches and nailed them with a hammer. Then I took the piece of plywood that was leaning against the branches and laid it on the T-posts. I used three more pieces of plywood to build the sides. Then I lifted a piece of carpet and laid it on top. I went to sit in my tree house, but suddenly I heard a little snap and it fell! It really scared me! All my feelings dropped because it took two days to build. Then God helped me to be happy without a tree house. Instead, my sister built a nest on top of the tree. We had a lot of fun playing hide-and-seek after that.

—Elijah, age 8