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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 7 (June 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications

I Have Learned…

that God Can Take Care of Me

God Knows Every Single Little Pain

Now, at lunch time, my neck was hurting. After Joel [thanked the Lord for the food], I did a prayer in my head, and after a little bit, my neck stopped hurting. So God took care of my neck. I’m so thankful that God can take care of all our needs.

When I was walking down the hall to have my rest time, after lunch, my side started to hurt. So I laid down, and prayed to God that He would make it so it didn’t hurt. After a little bit, it stopped hurting. I’m thankful that God knows every little thing.

Amanda Erickson
age 7, Oregon

Dear Children,

If you loose your sewing or toy, just pray like I did. Here’s what happened to me: I am sewing a quilt for my doll, Felicity. One night I lost it. I looked and looked. I looked for it everywhere. Then I said, “How about we pray and ask God to help us find it.” Abigail (whose house I was at) said yes, that would be a good idea. So we prayed, and when we finished, we found my sewing in [another girl,] Jani Jo’s, sewing bag. Then we thanked Him for helping us to find my sewing. I was very happy about it!

Richelle Turner
age 8, Oregon