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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 7 (June 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications

Something You Can Do

There is something special you can do to make your table pretty and put a smile on your mother’s face. It only takes a little while, and it is fun.

Make a Bouquet!

First you need the flowers. Cut big and small ones of whatever colors you like. Cut a lot of flowers to make a big, pretty bouquet.

Take your flowers to a table. Also get a scissors and vase of cool water. For small flowers you can use a short jar or small dish, for taller flowers use a jar, small pitcher, or taller vase.

Set the flower clusters in first and add in the single flowers. Trim the stems when you need to and try to keep a roundish shape to your bouquet. Fill in all the gaps. Make sure that the colors are spread around and the bouquet is pretty on all sides.

Some flowers, like roses, are very beautiful if you lay them in a shallow dish. Cut their stems short and add in small white flowers around them. Leaves or ferns can also be put in.

When your bouquet is finished, set it where you can enjoy God’s beautiful flowers! (And remember to clean up the mess you made!)