Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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Around Old Bethany

May 31, 2004

Around Old Bethany | Robert L. Berry, 1925 Story
It was... an unwise thing to say at that particular time. Robert Davis was young, and full of zeal. Most probably he should not have uttered those words. Peter Newby was powerfully affected. He felt as if his character had been scandalized before the whole crowd.
How John Became a Man

May 25, 2004

How John Became a Man | Isabel C. Byrum, 1909 Biography
He had not meant to be wicked, but he suddenly realized that his life had been wasted; and he concluded that he was not ready to meet Christ. But John believed that Christ would come to the earth, and he felt that he would give anything to be ready to meet Him.
The Deacon of Dobbinsville

May 21, 2004

The Deacon of Dobbinsville | John A. Morrison, 1920 Story
As he lay thus... he was startled by the sight of a man's shadow on the side of the tent. He lay still and listened. Soon he heard low muttering voices a few rods from his tent. Still he listened. They drew nearer and nearer. Finally the mutterings became whisperings.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 30 (May 2004)

May 9, 2004

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 30 (May 2004) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2004 Obedience
Taylor lived on a farm. He and his brother, Antonio, had the greatest places to play! There were bushes and trees and blackberry vine thickets. And all over were little paths that Taylor and Antonio had made. "Don't get in the poison oak plants," Taylor said.
Considering Marriage?

May 2, 2004

Considering Marriage? | Margaretta Kennedy Marriage
Dear young people, let God direct you in choosing a companion. You cannot of yourself choose the right companion. You may think that a certain one is the only one who can give you the love and happiness you desire, but it may be that love will grow cold.