Have you heard the trumpet sounding? Have you heard the angel’s call? Flee from sin and sect confusion, Come to Zion, one and all.
Refrain: Come out from among them, Come out from among them, Oh, do not partake of her sins; Come out from among them, Come out from among them, For her judgment already begins.
Sound the tidings o’er creation, Let God’s faithful children know; Sinful sects and all division, Separate them here below.
Hear that voice from heaven, brother, Heed the warning, come today; Leave the names and creeds of Babylon, Take the holy Bible way.
He has said, “My people know Me, And My voice they will obey; So, if you are Mine, you’ll prove it Just by doing what I say.”
The Gospel Trumpet Company, Songs of the Evening Light, 1897 (215)