I came to Jordan’s sullen stream; With trusting heart I there had been Directed by my Savior’s hand, Toward Canaan’s bright and blessed land.
Refrain: Come over into the Canaan land, Come over into the Canaan land, Where figs and grapes so plenteous grow, Where milk and honey freely flow, Come over into the Canaan land.
My many sins were all forgiv’n, My heart was clear with light from heav’n, And yet I longed for deeper grace, In Canaan’s blessed resting place.
I saw the death I had to die, A death in which my soul did cry; The fright’ning waves my heart did chill, But I must yield, ’twas Heaven’s will.
Oh, second grace! I find it sweet! God’s holy will is now complete: The Father, Son, and Spirit reign; All inward foes are surely slain.