Think of your soul, poor sinner, today, In dreadful dearth in sin’s darkest way; Can you be easy when awful the cost?— Sinking still lower to die and be lost. How can you plead for mercy When He has shut to the door? How can you plead for mercy?— Gone to return no more.
How can you die so hopeless of heav’n, When Jesus’ life on Calv’ry was giv’n? Bleeding and dying, He purchased for all, Life and salvation—for you doth He call. Then do not grieve His Spirit, Oh, let Him come in your heart; Then do not grieve His Spirit, Lest He fore’er depart.
Think how eternal ages shall roll, And fiery billows sweep your poor soul Down to the regions of awful despair, Banished forever in misery there. How can you be so thoughtless, When time is so short, you know? How can you be so thoughtless? You must reap what you sow.