Sweetly whispered the Lord in my mind, “There’s a peaceful abode you may find!” I believed, and my Savior so kind, Drew me into the heart of my God.
Refrain: Now transported with glory, I sing Of the joy His salvation doth bring; I’m redeemed, and with Jesus, my King, I am hid in the heart of my God.
I have entered the home of my soul, Where the rivers of life ever roll, ’Neath the scepter of love’s sweet control, I abide in the heart of my God.
Oh, how holy, how calm, and how still Is my rest in the depth of His will! And the chords of my heart ever thrill With the joy in the heart of my God.
Come, ye wounded, ye guilty oppressed, There is balm in the Infinite Breast! Through the blood you may enter the rest In the heart, in the heart of my God.
Oh, that all this dear refuge may know, Where we smile at each tempest of woe And we fear not the rage of the foe, In the heart, in the heart of my God.