Jesus is my Shepherd, so kind and true, Down where the living waters flow; He calls for His own, He keepeth the “few,” Where pastures of green ever grow.
Refrain: Jesus is my Shepherd, He leadeth me, Down where the living waters flow; His smiles I enjoy, His face I do see, His blood makes me whiter than snow.
Jesus is my Shepherd, I’m in His fold, Down where the living waters flow; He keeps me each day from danger and cold, I’ll follow where’er He may go.
Jesus is my Shepherd, He is the door, He watcheth over everyone; He cares for the weak, He healeth the sore, He bringeth the wanderer home.
Jesus is my Shepherd, His voice I hear, And when He calleth I obey; He leads me with joy, though danger be near, For He is the life and the way.