If ye ask it shall be given, Not one will Father turn away; Then, come and tell Him all thy longings, For He will hear you when you pray. Though half unspoken thy petition, Fear not to beg far more than crumbs; With all thy heart believe His promise, And pray until the answer comes.
Come believing, He will listen, Although thy prayer may seem denied; Then ask again, as did the woman Who for her daughter to Him cried. Undaunted, when at first the Savior Regarded not her artless plea, She sought Him long till He requited Her faith and importunity.
Jacob wrestled with the angel, Though long and wearisome the night, Until his urgent plea was granted; The answer came with morning light. Fear not, though oft you wait in darkness, For you shall not be turned away; Keep praying, God will send the answer; ’Twill surely come at break of day.
Know, O soul, thy earnest pleading Is falling on His list’ning ear: “Before they call Me I will answer, While yet they’re speaking I will hear.” Of all His good and gracious promise There hath not failed a single word; Thy God will surely send the answer, For thy petition He hath heard.