The messengers tap on the windows, The windows of the soul; They carry this news from our Savior, “I died that ye might be made whole.” “I died that ye might be made whole, I died that ye might be made whole.”
The messengers tap on the windows, And beat their wings on the bars; They carry this news to the sinner, “You can be as bright as the stars.” “You can be as bright as the stars, You can be as bright as the stars.”
The messengers tap on the windows, Three times they come and they go; Jesus saith, “Though your sins be as scarlet, Trust Me, I will make them like snow.” “Trust Me, I will make them like snow, Trust Me, I will make them like snow.”
The messengers tap on the windows; “Behold, I freely forgive; Whosoever will come, let him do so, Partake of salvation and live.” “Partake of salvation and live, Partake of salvation and live.”
The messengers tap on the windows; Sweet peace from our Savior they bring; Sweet peace which is past understanding— The window’s now open; come in. The window’s now open; come in, The window’s now open; come in.