Refrain: I want to go to Heaven, that Home so bright and fair; So beautiful, and—best of all—Dear Jesus will be there!
I want to see the city away beyond the sky, With pearly gates and walls of shining stones so great and high; Beside the crystal river there is a fruitful tree; And, oh, I want to see the mansions made for you and me!
I never will get hurt there, I’ll never have to cry; No pain or sickness there in Heav’n, and none will ever die; There Satan cannot tempt me to even once be bad, For sin can never enter Heav’n—I’ll be so safe, so glad!
I’ll see old Noah, Moses, Elijah, Daniel, Paul, And all the millions since that time who gave to God their all; The many little children who’ve died before they’re old Are singing ’round the throne of God, and play on streets of gold!
Oh, there I’ll be so happy with friends both old and young; The lame and blind, now healed and well, praise God in endless song; The angels too will join us; and dressed in spotless white, We’ll not get tired of praising God, for there there is no night!
This song may be freely used anywhere and any time by children and all who love to sing of Heaven.