Jesus, priceless Treasure, Source of purest pleasure, Truest friend to me. Long my heart hath panted, Till it almost fainted, Thirsting after Thee. Thine I am, O spotless Lamb, I will suffer naught to hide Thee, Ask for naught beside Thee.
In Thy arms I rest me; Foes who would molest me Cannot reach me here. Though the earth be shaking, Every heart be quaking, Jesus calms my fear. Sin and hell in conflict fell, With their heaviest storms assail me: Jesus will not fail me.
Satan, I defy thee; Death, I now decry thee; Fear, I bid thee cease. World, thou shalt not harm me Nor thy threats alarm me While I sing of peace. God’s great pow’r guards every hour; Earth and all its depths adore Him, Silent bow before Him.
Evil world, I leave thee; Thou shalt not deceive me, Thy appeal is vain. Sin that once did bind me, Get thee far behind me, Come not forth again. Past thy hour, O pride and pow’r; Sinful life, thy bonds I sever, Leave thee now forever.
Hence, all earthly treasure! Jesus is my pleasure; Jesus is my choice. Hence, all empty glory! What to me thy story Told with tempting voice? Pain or loss or shame or cross Shall not from my Savior move me, Since He chose to love me.
Hence, all thought of sadness! For the Lord of gladness, Jesus, enters in. Those who love the Father, Though the storms may gather, Still have peace within; Yea, whate’er we here must bear, Still in Thee lies purest pleasure, Jesus, priceless Treasure!
The Cyber Hymnal (