Are you longing to dwell upon the mountains of grace, Where the clear, brilliant sunlight of God’s love ever glows? Well, sometimes it may take a flood to get you there, As when Noah up to the mount of Ararat rose.
Refrain: Let life’s floods lift you up to the mountains, There to sing your Redeemer’s joyful praise; Let each wave of trouble bear you up, up, up— There to sit with your Savior in a heavenly place.
Though your God may be bringing you through fire and through flood, Yet He’s leading your soul unto the heights of His grace; Though the dark, threat’ning billows all around you may roll, On the peaks underneath shall be your resting place.
Go not forth from the ark to sink in waves of despair, But abide in the safety of God’s sheltering hand; Just be patient, and soon the waters will abate; On the mountains of glory soon your soul shall stand.
Yes, it takes tribulation to draw near to God, In the furnace of trial is our love proved true; But no tempest can ever harm your trusting soul; In the cloud see His bow of promise shining through.