Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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9 items:

Only a Servant

March 30, 2004

Only a Servant | Kristina Roy, 1900 Story
The sick landlady praised the servant, "He takes care of me like a son, and he is a wise man. He persuaded my husband to let him put up a stove in the kitchen.... Others barely do what they are told to; this one does the needed things without being told."
In Perfect Peace

May 1, 2016

In Perfect Peace | James R. Miller, 1892 Peace
How many of us really have Christ's peace today?... Is grace not able to help us to attain that peace?... We may say with perfect confidence that.... It is a state into which every believer in Christ may enter... and in which he may dwell in all life's changes.

December 1, 2004

Sanctification | Jacob W. Byers, 1902 Sanctification
Jesus requires the undivided heart and every affection. You cannot refuse him. He has done too much for you. He suffered without the gate that He might sanctify you with His own blood. He gave Himself... and now how can you withhold anything from Him?
Christian Conduct

June 6, 2004

Christian Conduct | Charles E. Orr, 1903 Truth
Christianity brings a heaven to the home as well as in the public life. Christianity is Christ in the heart, and where Christ is, there is heaven; consequently a Christian has a heaven within him, and he has this heaven at home as well as abroad. Praise God!
The Face of the Master

January 1, 2016

The Face of the Master | James R. Miller, 1903 Jesus/Savior
The face of Jesus Christ must have been very beautiful... with the true beauty produced by a pure and spotless life. Sin disfigures the countenance, and there was no sin in Him.... What goes on in the depths of our being, comes up to the surface.
Food for Lambs

November 6, 2004

Food for Lambs | Charles E. Orr, 1904 Guidance
Jesus, the true shepherd, came seeking for you, and now that you have given yourself to His loving care, always confide in Him and yield to His guidance. Ever keep your hand in His and follow where He leads, and your life will be full of joy.
Successful Child Training

October 1, 2017

Successful Child Training | Charles E. Orr, 1904 Parenting
Here he lies an infant in your arms. He is at your mercy.... You can lead him in the paths of virtue to a generous Christian manhood, or you can neglect him and allow him to go to shame and ruin. Let this thought be impressed deeply upon your consciousness.
The Hidden Life

February 15, 2005

The Hidden Life | Charles E. Orr, 1908 Experience
A walk with God is a satisfactory walk. He who walks with God is delighted all the way.... In God's ways there are no disappointments. When our wills are submitted to Him and we humbly and submissively walk where He leads us, we meet with no disappointments.
How John Became a Man

May 25, 2004

How John Became a Man | Isabel C. Byrum, 1909 Biography
He had not meant to be wicked, but he suddenly realized that his life had been wasted; and he concluded that he was not ready to meet Christ. But John believed that Christ would come to the earth, and he felt that he would give anything to be ready to meet Him.