Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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6 items:

How to Resist the Devil

November 16, 2002

How to Resist the Devil | F. J. Perryman, 2012 Warfare
God can do no more than He has done. At the cross He judged the devil and overthrew him and his hosts.... Not only are we saved from sin on account of that death, but we are also saved from Satan.
More Abundant Life

July 5, 2003

More Abundant Life | Charles E. Orr, 2014 Experience
The abiding soul is a praying soul. In all abiding in Jesus there is a constant action of the soul, and this action is prayer.... The soul that prays, really prays, abides in a state of quietness, reposing on the bosom of God, and knows no fear, save the fear of God.
In Perfect Peace

May 1, 2016

In Perfect Peace | James R. Miller, 1892 Peace
How many of us really have Christ's peace today?... Is grace not able to help us to attain that peace?... We may say with perfect confidence that.... It is a state into which every believer in Christ may enter... and in which he may dwell in all life's changes.
The Face of the Master

January 1, 2016

The Face of the Master | James R. Miller, 1903 Jesus/Savior
The face of Jesus Christ must have been very beautiful... with the true beauty produced by a pure and spotless life. Sin disfigures the countenance, and there was no sin in Him.... What goes on in the depths of our being, comes up to the surface.
Successful Child Training

October 1, 2017

Successful Child Training | Charles E. Orr, 1904 Parenting
Here he lies an infant in your arms. He is at your mercy.... You can lead him in the paths of virtue to a generous Christian manhood, or you can neglect him and allow him to go to shame and ruin. Let this thought be impressed deeply upon your consciousness.
The Cross of Christ

April 1, 2017

The Cross of Christ | Andrew Murray, 2017 Crucifixion
Once one has consented to this life of the entire denial of self, the cross will be welcomed and loved as the appointed power of God for freeing us of the evil power that is the only hindrance in our way of being fully conformed to the image of God's Son.