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Dear Princess, Number 10 (Summer 1999)

February 7, 2004

Dear Princess, Number 10 (Summer 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1999 Trust
I am satisfied that God knew we would not know what we were doing. He meant for us to voluntarily trust Him by turning from our own ideas and opinions and placing our hand in His hand for guidance. He designed the thing so that we would absolutely need a guide.
Dear Princess, Number 3 (Summer 1997)

February 22, 2003

Dear Princess, Number 3 (Summer 1997) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1997 Trust
The Lord doesn't do things under pressure. He just refuses to. We aren't going to help the Lord by trying to hurry things up a bit. The longer we try to "make it work," the longer the Lord leaves us alone with our problem.