Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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11 items:

A True Story in Allegory

November 19, 2002

A True Story in Allegory | Lottie L. Jarvis, 1920 Compromise
Many times had the Apostasy family tried to destroy that most annoying trumpet, but... they had never been able to do aught but, for a season, to in some way deceive the trumpeters, for a short time, into the idea that it was no longer necessary.
The Deacon of Dobbinsville

May 21, 2004

The Deacon of Dobbinsville | John A. Morrison, 1920 Story
As he lay thus... he was startled by the sight of a man's shadow on the side of the tent. He lay still and listened. Soon he heard low muttering voices a few rods from his tent. Still he listened. They drew nearer and nearer. Finally the mutterings became whisperings.
Birth of a Reformation

August 27, 2004

Birth of a Reformation | Andrew L. Byers, 1921 Biography
My mother had been reading The Trumpet and had formed the opinion of Brother Warner that he was a great and wonderful man. So when she met him she exclaimed, "And is this Brother Warner!" His reply was, "Yes, and he is the least man you ever saw."
Beautiful Girlhood

March 6, 2004

Beautiful Girlhood | Mabel Hale, 1922 Guidance
Girlhood is the opening flower of womanhood. It has charms all its own. The wonderful change from the child to the woman, the marvelous blossoming of young, healthy girlhood, will ever be God's great miracle in life's garden. Like a half-open rose is girlhood.
Hero of Hill House

October 23, 2004

Hero of Hill House | Mabel Hale, 1922 Story
Austin's brow clouded as he heard Doyle's wish.... It did not seem fair, after the sacrifice he had made all these years... that the boy should care more for his father and this unknown mother than he did for his home and the one who had made it possible.
Holy Spirit Baptism and The Second Cleansing

December 1, 2007

Holy Spirit Baptism and The Second Cleansing | Russell R. Byrum, 1923 Holy Spirit
Only those who have received the blessed Holy Spirit of God into their hearts, the abiding Comforter, can know the sweetness of closest communion with God and the greatest measure of the joy of His presence.
Adventures in the Land of Canaan

February 15, 2003

Adventures in the Land of Canaan | Robert L. Berry, 1924 Sanctification
"All things" means all things. The Christian who gives up all is certain of God's continual care and protection. He cannot expect to escape trouble or trial or temptation; but he is kept in these things.... They may be hurt... but they will sail on in peace in God.

September 18, 2004

Subdued | George D. Watson, 1924 Humility
We must be subdued, not merely in our own opinion, not merely think ourselves subdued... but subdued so perfectly that the all-seeing eye of God can look us through, and the omniscient One knows that we are subdued.
The Kneeling Christian

January 1, 2023

The Kneeling Christian | Albert E. Richardson, 1924 Prayer
The wonder is... that we can ever get up from our knees if we truly realize our own need.... All these needs can be met by the riches of God in Christ Jesus.... But to share His riches we must pray, "for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him."
Around Old Bethany

May 31, 2004

Around Old Bethany | Robert L. Berry, 1925 Story
It was... an unwise thing to say at that particular time. Robert Davis was young, and full of zeal. Most probably he should not have uttered those words. Peter Newby was powerfully affected. He felt as if his character had been scandalized before the whole crowd.
The Redemption of Howard Gray

June 28, 2004

The Redemption of Howard Gray | Charles W. Naylor, 1925 Story
"Your feelings sometimes depend upon something else to which you have given little attention. Did you ever read in the Bible... 'The just shall stand by their feelings?'... No, you never read anything like that. The Bible says, 'The just shall live by faith.' "