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Foundation Truth, Number 11 (Winter 2005)

January 22, 2005

Foundation Truth, Number 11 (Winter 2005) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2005 Humility
Jesus was quick to give the credit to God. Although He was God Himself... He quickly and reflexively gave the credit for virtue to His heavenly Father. It is this set of heart and mind that avoids the pride of life and lives in humble reliance upon God.
Divorce and Marriage

January 16, 2005

Divorce and Marriage | James B. Graham, Jr. Marriage
When we viewed the blighting effects of divorce... and became convicted that we and others had spoken all too glibly about "Scriptural grounds for divorce" without any very careful study... we set ourselves to discover the truth.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 33 (December 2004)

January 1, 2005

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 33 (December 2004) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2004 Light
"They must be real heroes," said Edward. Grandpa chuckled. "Heroes? I should say that they were ordinary people that found an extraordinary source of power. But God has that same power to overcome your enemies, if you will put your faith in Him."