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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 7 (June 2000)

May 31, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 7 (June 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2000 Love
"Won't fight, huh." Eric gave his twisted arm a yank which brought another cry of pain from Johnny. "When I tell you to fight, you better fight! Or you'll wish you had," he continued grimly. Peter laughed with glee. "Get him, Eric. He's too scared to fight!"
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 6 (April 2000)

May 24, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 6 (April 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2000 Decision
The next day a strange thing happened. God had always taken care of them so that they always had food to eat, even during the hard times of the war. But now no money came in the mail and hardly any food was sent.... Soon they were very hungry.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 5 (February 2000)

May 17, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 5 (February 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2000 Contentment
If seedlings don't get light, they will start looking for it, because light is what helps them grow. In the Bible, Jesus is called our Light. If we don't come close to Him each day, we won't grow in our hearts like we should.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 4 (December 1999)

May 10, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 4 (December 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1999 Love
As he helped his father get ready for the feast, Ethan kept wondering who the Rabbi was after all. While they were working on their booth, he got up the courage to ask, "Father, do you really think the Rabbi is the Messiah? Is he our conqueror, or not?"
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 24 (April 2003)

May 3, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 24 (April 2003) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2003 Obedience
"You've ruined it!" Justin screamed, and threw himself down to pound the dirt. Teddy was crying and Rochelle was calling for help. Justin didn't listen. The go-cart that he had worked so hard to build was smashed! Tears blinded his eyes.