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6 items:

Correcting Children

February 1, 2007

Correcting Children | Fred Pruitt, 2007 Responsibility
It takes wisdom from above to know when to correct.... One method or rule will not apply to every child, since they have different temperaments, different dispositions, and also much variation in intellectual comprehension.
Over-Waiting for God

March 1, 2019

Over-Waiting for God | James R. Miller, 1896 Responsibility
There are times when closet prayer is not the duty of the hour.... We may think we are honoring God by waiting... but really we are dishonoring Him by lack of present faith and ready obedience. Blessing... cannot be given to us until we go forth to get it.
Parent and Child

July 11, 2004

Parent and Child | Jacob W. Byers Responsibility
Dear parents, we hold the highest and most God-honored position in this world, and to a large extent hold in our hands the destiny of our own children.... Oh, that God may waken us to our important duties and opportunities!... We must grasp them now.
Successful Child Training

October 1, 2017

Successful Child Training | Charles E. Orr, 1904 Responsibility
Here he lies an infant in your arms. He is at your mercy.... You can lead him in the paths of virtue to a generous Christian manhood, or you can neglect him and allow him to go to shame and ruin. Let this thought be impressed deeply upon your consciousness.
The Responsibility of My Soul

June 1, 2012

The Responsibility of My Soul | Mark P. Spinks, 2012 Responsibility
Most human beings do not value their soul as they should, but are instead incredibly careless. This neglect of the soul is beyond irresponsible, beyond criminal, beyond comprehension.... So the souls of men become easy pickings for the enemy of mankind.
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 23 (February 2003)

March 1, 2003

Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 23 (February 2003) | Timeless Truths Publications, 2003 Responsibility
God made the world and all that is in it for a reason. He made us on purpose. When I do something "on purpose," I have a plan and a reason to do it. God has a plan and a reason for us. He wants us to walk with Him and be with Him, just like Jesus was.