Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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4 items:

He Can

June 1, 2006

He Can | Anonymous/Unknown Trust
It is human to look and crave for something in sight that will help the Lord out. In time of need, if we can only find a little of something for God to begin on, we seem to be much better satisfied.
How I Learned to Pray for the Lost

March 1, 2011

How I Learned to Pray for the Lost | Anonymous/Unknown Prayer
We may say that each one is actually God's purchased possession, although still held by the enemy. We must through the prayer of faith, claim and take for God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that which is rightfully His.
The Cobbler and His Guest

September 16, 2012

The Cobbler and His Guest | Anonymous/Unknown Love
He heard a voice call his name, "Martin!" Intuitively, he felt aware of the identity of the speaker. "Martin, you have longed to see Me. Tomorrow I shall pass by your window. If you see Me and bid Me enter, I shall be your guest and sit at your table."
The Pumpkin That Caught Geese

February 1, 2011

The Pumpkin That Caught Geese | Anonymous/Unknown Warning
Sometimes people are fooled, too. There are many things in life which look harmless enough and yet are fatal. We hear warnings about drugs and other harmful things and often forget the most common and most serious death trap of all.