Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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A Fallen Church

September 1, 2007

A Fallen Church | Charles E. Orr Church
It is surpassing strange that one reformation does not profit by the downfall of the preceding ones.... The worldliness they could not once tolerate they are now themselves engaging in. Then the spiritual ones form another movement....
Discerning the Lord's Body

December 1, 2012

Discerning the Lord’s Body | Harlan D. Sorrell, 2011 Church
The essence of Christ's true body is directly related to spiritual status, and spiritual meat and drink. Let us now examine the Word of God and examine our own selves to see if we discern the Lord's body and if we are really a part of it.
Fellowship Is of the Spirit

November 1, 2006

Fellowship Is of the Spirit | Jennie C. Rutty, 1900 Church
A great many... have only an intellectual understanding without an actual experience in the soul. They... are often received as the children of God by those who do not discern between the "fellowship of the Spirit" and a mere fellowship of doctrine.
God or a System: Which?

July 23, 2005

God or a System: Which? | Lottie L. Jarvis Church
To love God personally and perfectly will produce the most perfect obedience and the most perfect heroism, and the most perfect destiny of which the soul is capable.... to obey Him with supreme personal loyalty, is our only true holiness and service.
Having a Spiritual Congregation

March 2, 2010

Having a Spiritual Congregation | Charles E. Orr Church
To make this still plainer and more comprehensive, a preacher is to be so filled with Christ and have the Spirit of discernment that he will never let a soul up from the altar until he knows that soul has been forgiven of God.
How I Found the Church of God

September 1, 2008

How I Found the Church of God | Mark P. Spinks, 2008 Church
I prayed earnestly that God would direct me where I should live and labor next. I was plainly directed to a certain congregation, and it was in that place that I first plainly and clearly saw the church of God functioning as it should.
Musical Instruments and Worship

June 28, 2003

Musical Instruments and Worship | Archie Souder Church
This subject of music in the church is surely a spiritual subject. Now, dear reader, get your Bible out before you read any farther, as this question can only be answered by the Word of God. I am going to deal wholly with God's Word.
Natural vs. Spiritual Relationships

November 1, 2008

Natural vs. Spiritual Relationships | Mark P. Spinks Church
The question naturally arises: What if there is a conflict between the natural (family) relationship and the spiritual relationship to God?... Our relationship to God is more important than anything else.
The Travail of Zion

July 1, 2015

The Travail of Zion | Beverly Carradine, 1910 Church
Travail is one of the sharpest pains known in the physical realm.... [God] applies it to the church, and says that such a suffering, burden, and agonizing cry must come on His people, before sons and daughters are born unto Him.