6 items:
July 1, 2008 | ||
Five Reasons Why I Do Not Seek the Gift of Tongues | Elmer E. Shelhamer | Love | |
We do not for one moment deny that there is a gift of tongues.... I would not dare do as many brethren, who denounce the entire Tongues movement as of the devil. I have found some of these people nearer heaven than some who oppose them. |
May 2, 2012 | ||
God Values Your Soul | Fred Pruitt | Love | |
God values your soul so highly that He gave His own Son to bear your sin and its penalty: to be reviled, defamed, cursed, put to shame and contempt, and slaughtered in crucifixion. What an immense price for your soul! |
August 1, 2013 | ||
Personal Love for Jesus | George D. Watson, 1896 | Love | |
Very few Christians reach such an intimacy with our dear Lord as to receive and appreciate His individual feelings. Jesus is an infinite lover, and nothing will satisfy Him but a pure, sacred, passionate, and personal love. |
September 16, 2012 | ||
The Cobbler and His Guest | Anonymous/Unknown | Love | |
He heard a voice call his name, "Martin!" Intuitively, he felt aware of the identity of the speaker. "Martin, you have longed to see Me. Tomorrow I shall pass by your window. If you see Me and bid Me enter, I shall be your guest and sit at your table." |
October 1, 2014 | ||
Walk in Love | George D. Watson, 1894 | Love | |
To walk in love—to speak, to act, to purpose, with the love of God pervading our every movement—is the best and sublimest form of existence. To do this there must be a thorough abandonment of self-will, self-opinion, and self-desire. |
July 1, 2019 | ||
When the Song Begins | James R. Miller, 1905 | Love | |
What is the secret? When does the song begin? What is it that gives to the believer in God this quenchless joy? In the record of the opening of the temple by Hezekiah we find a sentence which suggests the answer. |