4 items:
December 4, 2002 | ||
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 1 (June 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1999 | Trials | |
But Irene didn't listen. "Hurry now! Mom said she needed us to get the weeding done this afternoon. You can pick flowers later." Rosie turned quickly to hide the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. Irene didn't understand! It just wasn't fair! |
April 12, 2003 | ||
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 2 (August 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1999 | Giving | |
As Daniel watched her turn sadly away, his memory verse came back to mind.... If Rosie had the new pole, he thought, I would want her to share with me. Daniel looked at his little fish and bit the corner of his lip. Jesus would want me to share. |
April 26, 2003 | ||
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 3 (October 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1999 | Work | |
Rosie felt a small smile creep onto her face. Maybe this would be fun after all! She quickly picked up a jar and looked at its dusty bottom. "And we must remember," she said, as most grown-up as she could, "that the king doesn't like one speck of dirt!" |
May 10, 2003 | ||
Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 4 (December 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications, 1999 | Love | |
As he helped his father get ready for the feast, Ethan kept wondering who the Rabbi was after all. While they were working on their booth, he got up the courage to ask, "Father, do you really think the Rabbi is the Messiah? Is he our conqueror, or not?" |